Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Gonzo journalism about Canada's most hated couple

Homolka's interview last night on CBC was self-serving bullsh*t -- we should all appreciate how sorry she feels about what she did, even though it wasn't really her fault of course.
In covering the reaction to its Homolka interview, the CBC quoted a number of people tonight describing her as a monster and a psychopath. Then the reporter made this astounding statement: that "some Canadians are willing to accept that Karla Homolka has a human side."
Bullsh*t. More self-serving bullsh*t.
There is not a single Canadian who accepts her as human.
It was just good old gonzo journalism, pretending that they did the interview just because all those inquiring minds were so eager to see Homolka's "human side".
And now Bernado is getting into the act, too -- Bernardo's lawyer says killer 'agitated' over attention given to Homolka -- now saying that he wanted to let Mahaffy go but Homolka killed her.
More self-serving bullsh*t.
And I don't understand how the media can even report such tripe, once more ripping the hearts out of the Mahaffy family just so that they can use a teaser headline before their commercial break -- stay turned for Bernardo's new accusation!
Have they no shame?

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