Sunday, September 04, 2005

Great line of the day

From Internik at Daily Kos 'I Am More Angry Than I Have Ever Been In My Life and It Is A Righteous and Purposeful Indignation'
Even by conservative thinking, the most basic job of the government is to protect the lives of its citizens and Bush just proved how much of a rat's ass conservatives actually give about the security of the America people . . . Lake New Orleans is the end product of the every-man-for-himself selfishness of the American conservative movement which has not solved any of our nations problems. So I have these words for all you Anti-American, Anti-Government, Conservative Assholes: You want to cut my taxes? Fuck you. My taxes protect American lives. You want to downsize the government? Fuck you. My government defends the American people. You want the government off your back? Fuck you. My government watches my back. Conservatism is dead, washed away by the waters of Hurricane Katrina. And when anyone tries to spread its un-human contemptuous philosophy, or support its vile proponents, I will remember New Orleans and they will be struck down by my righteous retribution. I Will Remember New Orleans.

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