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Saturday, August 20, 2022

Today's News: Lisa Forever

Interesting to continue to watch the uproar over CTV News firing of Lisa LaFlamme -- today, more revelations: First, Bell Media is stressed out because everyone has been so mean to them and nobody UNDERSTANDS how DIFFICULT it is to run a media company these days.... Amazingly, this statement didn't increase anyone's sympathy for Bell Media: One thing BellMedia doesn't seem to understand is just how delighted the rest of Canadian media always are whenever a big media company stumbles and steps in it. The stories will just go on and on: More revelations from Canadaland: Moving to what's been happening here in Saskatoon, we have been seeing horrendous stories this week about abuse in a local private Christian school during the 1990s and 2000s, which was then called Christian Centre Academy - violent corporal punishments, exorcisms, shunning, and pedophilia. 
The school has now changed its name to Legacy Christian Academy but some of the teachers from that period apparently are still teaching there or at two other private Christian schools in Saskatchewan which are also funded by the provincial government. 
Major stories have been written by the Star Phoenix and by CBC News
 Earlier this month, an investigation by CBC News detailed allegations of years of physical, emotional and sexual abuse of students at the former Saskatoon Christian Centre Church and the Christian Centre Academy school, now known as Mile Two Church and Legacy Christian Academy. 
 More than 30 former students of the school have filed criminal complaints, and a class-action lawsuit is seeking $25 million in damages. 
 Minister of Education Dustin Duncan had previously announced that the province would appoint administrators to oversee operations at three schools — Legacy Christian Academy, Regent Academy in Prince Albert and Grace Christian School in Saskatoon — that employ people named in the class-action lawsuit.
The story just kept getting bigger and worse as the days passed. And the provincial government looked more and more inept Instead of taking the concerns of students and parents seriously, the provincial government seemed to think they could just deny any prior knowledge of the abuse, and that they could minimize the issue by just appointing an administrator for all of the Christian schools - and then letting the administrator deal individually with the teachers from Christian Centre who were being sued: The determined attempt to minimize the problem became really ridiculous when our local right-wing talk radio show thought it was a good idea to host a happy parent who just loved the school... Until earlier this week, the teachers named in the lawsuits were scheduled to continue to work as teachers this school year: The only group that was apparently willing to take decisive action was another church -- Forest Grove Community Church kicked out Grace Christian School: Finally, at 4:45 pm on Thursday, the government caved - any teacher named in the lawsuits is now suspended: And there's going to be more, too:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:40 am

    I'm glad to see the media start to explore the ties between this Christian school and the Moe government. A couple of weeks ago, the CBC reported that students were voluntold to provide unpaid campaign labour for conservative political candidates.

    Now they should explore the school's ties to the secretive and cult-like Plymouth Brethren Christian Church. The PBCC is in bed with the Moe government and is notorious for its anti-Trudeau ads.



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