Sunday, September 12, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #21: Trudeau rising

Here's an odd one: And here they are again taking credit for the Liberal's work: I am getting the feeling that the Conservative campaign is just out of gas right now. They haven't managed to body-slam Trudeau and their bread and circuses promises aren't engaging people and we're seeing more and more cartoons like this one: And Postmedia can pound the "deficits" message all they want, but people aren't focused on it: Lots of tweets about Jody Wilson-Raybould's new book and her "feeling" that Trudeau asked her to lie. Sigh. I don't think The JWR show will convince anyone to dislike Trudeau now if they didn't already dislike him. And the more people remember what she was like as a Justice minister, the worse she will look in comparison to some of the truely outstanding women in Trudeau's cabinet now: And this has nothing to do with our election, but I wanted to share it anyway:

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #20: "But her emails"

Does anyone else see it this way too? Does anyone else remember our dysfunctional parliament this spring? Today's good news: More about the English debate: Canadian politics can turn on a dime sometimes. 
 When the English debate moderator -Vancouverite Shachi Kurl- called Quebecers discriminatory due to Bills 21 and 96, it was both inaccurate and uncalled-for. So today there was a huge reaction in Quebec, and also Legault said he wanted the CPC to win the election so they would give him unrestricted money for Quebec's daycare program and health care transfers. 
 In the end, the Liberals may come out ahead, if the Bloc and the CPC end up splitting their votes: And as the Advance Polls open, here is this good take:

Friday, September 10, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #19: That was a debate???

Twitter is concluding that the Leaders Debate Thursday evening was possibly the worst moderated debate ever seen in the history of the nation. 
And that's really too bad -- Trudeau needed some momentum from a positive and upbeat debate performance and he's likely not going to get any. Then again, neither will O'Toole or Singh.  
The moderator, Shachi Kurl from Angus Reid, appeared to be under the impression that she was running for office too. She acted like Canadians had tuned in to watch her as she interrupted and stopped leaders from answering questions, while she preened.
The only leader who came out of this looking OK was Green leader Annamie Paul and who cares, because Paul isn't even going to win her own seat much less give help to any other Green candidates so in the end it doesn't matter what Canadians thought of her. 
Blanchet did OK too - and again, who cares, because it doesn't matter to him or to anyone else what Canadians outside Quebec think of him. Though of course it might affect Liberal performance in Quebec, if anyone there was watching,.
The only real question I had about Blanchette or Singh is how they would decide whether to endorse a minority Liberal or Conservative outcome.  Nobody bothered to ask.

And let the pollster wars begin: And this is the way the media summed up the debate:

Thursday, September 09, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #18: I am a Quebecois

Wednesday night was the French leaders debate: The vitriol is jarring - Singh, in particular, appears to have such a personal dislike for Trudeau, even though in terms of policy directions I think there should be much that Liberals and NDP would be able to agree on. I was surprised at the lack of attention paid to Indigenous issues, except for glancing comments about boil-water advisories and Indigenous languages. Though more than 100 boil-water advisories have been lifted under the Liberal government, there are still 32 communities with boil-water advisories in place, and COVID limited the amount of work that could be done in 2020 And this is from the post-debate media discussion: I think the Conservative consensus was that O'Toole didn't do as well as they wanted him to: The restaurant coupon idea that the CPC announced earlier today isn't going to create any voting momentum either: The elephant in the room, tonight and tomorrow, is the surging People's Party of Canada. Mainly I think, they are attracting anti-vaxxers from the CPC, but maybe some are also coming from the other parties as well. 
I thought this was an interesting observation too: And an update on today's polling news:
Today's funny:

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #17: today's update

As we wait for the Leaders Debates Wednesday and Thursday, here's a few interesting tweets for tonight: The Conservatives can't get away from the guns issue, because O'Toole can't give an answer that Canadians will believe: The issues of gun safety and anti-vaxxers are starting to merge, and the merger isn't positive for the Conservatives: The #FlipFlopMan narrative framing is now getting used on other issues too: And non-answers are getting noticed: Here's discussion about the Conservatives lying that the Liberals supposedly are planning to tax capital gains on principle residences: Another non-issue: Here's an important discussion from Dale Smith about why the Liberals ended up abandoning electoral reform and maintaining the First-Past-The-Post (FPTP) system: Finally, here's a great tweet about voting:

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #16: some fun now

Ain't we havin' some fun now?

 Actually, of course, the increasing violence we are seeing now from the anti-vaxxers and the PPC supporters is not funny at all. 
Two weeks to go.
And I think maybe its becoming clearer why it is important that we hold this election now - Trudeau is right; Canadians need to make a choice about which direction they really want to take, either Forward with the Liberals, or backward with the CPC. 
Today saw more violence from the anti-vaxxers and their allies: Even when anti-vaxxers were screaming, Trudeau kept his cool: Another day of coverage on O'Toole's assault rifle flip flop, too: And here's a couple of tweets in honor of Labour Day: Today's wierdest: And this will make you feel good!

Monday, September 06, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #15: Flip Flop Man

Editing note: I had to delete a couple of the earlier Follies and Funnies posts because something in them was messing up my blog formatting and I am not sufficiently expert in html to figure out what went wrong. Hopefully that won't happen again, but it looks like I can't use photos or cartoons unless they are in tweets, I don't know why. 

Anyway, getting to today's events, there's several things going on.
First, O'Toole is flip-flopping on his idea of overturning Trudeau's assault weapons ban -- O'Toole really a terrible politician, isn't he, he can't seem to get out of his own way when he is trying to deal with an actual controversial issue. 
So yesterday he said one thing about guns and today the other. 
We know, of course, that he actually WOULD overturn Trudeau's ban regardless of what he says now. He promised his base many times that he would, and guns are a core Conservative value. But when the Canadian media reacted negatively to his fumbling on Saturday, his first impulse seems to be to lie to Canada about what his real intentions are.  And not to worry, the gun lobby saw O'Toole's flip flop for the nudge-nudge-wink-wink it really is, and they agreed not to panic and embarrass him

Second, the NDP and the Conservatives are now both finally on board with increasing vaccination rates - though they seem to think that all we have to do is ask REALLY REALLY nicely because mandates are so divisive.  But the Trudeau government is already ahead of them: And third tonight, it seems that PPC and Conservative protestors are more focused now on trying to derail Trudeau's campaign than on supporting their own candidates. 
I don't think Canadians are going to be very happy if we see much more of the screaming and swearing and catcalling that went on in Newmarket Ontario today:

Sunday, September 05, 2021

Election Follies and Funnies #14:

New Liberal campaign ad: Here's some good news for today: I think O'Toole is going to find himself in trouble as voters start thinking more seriously about what he is saying and whose interests he is actually representing. Here he sounds really caring, but what he is actually doing is throwing Indigenous people under the bus by implying they are the anti-vaxxers who distrust the health care system: Here some takes on Canadian election issues: 
Housing - Climate change - Vaccinations - Abortion rights - Banning assault weapons -- Daycare -- Now here's an endorsement I didn't expect: And here's another bizarre story - the Conservative candidate for the Northwest Territories doesn't live there, has never been there, and isn't doing any campaigning there. And somehow, O'Toole thinks this is all Trudeau's fault? Finally today, this: