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Thursday, June 17, 2004

Sask beer babble

Well, I was interviewed by a Leader-Post reporter today, and I learned something.
I was complaining to him about how difficult it is to get any sense of how the election campaign is going in Saskatchewan -- due to the almost-complete lack of stories in our newspapers about any of our local candidates or any of our ridings - no polls, no discussions, nada. Maybe there is more on the radio, but I cannot listen during the day.
Anyway, the reporter referred me to the "babble" section with election discussions on the Rabble site where there are some interesting analysis and seat projection discussions going on -- for the first time, I got a sense of where people think this election might be going. Also, check out the Saskatchewan/Alberta/Manitoba discussion (follow the link at the bottom of the general discussion page.)
One of the most active Saskatchewan discussions concerned a recent increase in the price of beer! Now, there's an issue we can all get behind, big time. Forget health care and the elected Senate -- let's talk about something that really matters!

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