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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Canadians are coming!

Some of our people went to the United States to help after the disaster of Katrina, so I think it's great that Canadians are going to help now with something as positive and hopeful as the Obama campaign.
The Star Phoenix is reporting today City men to "get out the vote" for Obama:
Two Saskatoon residents and three from Regina decided to get involved. They'll be there working until election day next Tuesday.
"I really wanted to come down here. This election will impact all of us in Canada and around the world for years to come," said 22-year-old University of Saskatchewan student Zach Jeffries.
Jeffries, who's also president of the Saskatchewan Young Liberals, and friend Lee Reaney left Saskatoon by car earlier this week and arrived in Rochester, N.H., on Tuesday. The pair, along with the Regina residents and several from Ontario and Nova Scotia, will identify and mobilize Obama supporters to vote in advance polls and on election day.
Jeffries, who has experience working on campaigns in Saskatchewan, has been paired with a local Obama worker. They will supervise a team of volunteers to "get out the vote."
A friend living in New Hampshire convinced them it would be a good place to volunteer, as Obama is reported to have a very slim lead in the northeastern state.
Cross-posted at the Orange Satan.

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