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Monday, August 20, 2012

Gag reflex

Just when you start to think there might actually be a limit to what Republicans will endorse -- that maybe "legitimate rape" actually, finally, crossed the line -- we read this: Leading social conservatives rally to Akin’s defense:
Two top officials from the Family Research Council said the Missouri congressman is the target of a Democratic smear campaign and chided those Republicans who have condemned Akin.
"Todd Akin is getting a really bad break here," she added. "I don't know anything about the science or the legal implications of his statement. I do know politics, and I know gotcha politics when I see it."
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins fired back at Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, a leading moderate voice in the GOP who called Akin's remarks "outrageous" and encouraged him to drop his challenge to Democrat Claire McCaskill.
"He should be careful because based on some of his statements there may be some call for him to get out of his race," Perkins said of Brown. "He has been off the reservation on a number of Republican issues, conservative issues I should say. His support among conservatives is very shallow."
Mackey said that Republicans calling on Akin to apologize or drop out should get "backbone."
Yes, it takes a real man to stand up to all those sluts who actually couldn't have really been raped at all or else they wouldn't have gotten themselves pregnant....

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