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Monday, February 24, 2014

Hope and hard work at the Liberal convention

If you just read the papers for your news, you would think that the only events at this week's Liberal biennial convention in Montreal were that Trudeau didn't hold a closing press conference and he missed the vote on assisted suicide.
Oh, and that Trudeau also gave a pretty good speech.
To actually find out what went on at the convention, you have to read the progressive bloggers -- Scott at Scott's DiaTribes and at Progressive Bloggers did his usual excellent job covering convention events and panels. Jeff Jedras, A BCer In Toronto, reported on a number of the information sessions and discussions, and he interviewed the LPC president candidates.  Jim Calder was tweeting the discussions and writing articles about convention topics.
Photos are posted here and #SelfiesWithBroadhurst are here.

Here is Jeff's #SelfiesWithBroadhurst blogger edition photo -- Jim Calder (I think) with Scott Tribe, centre, Jeremy Broadhurst, and Jeff Jedras.
Thanks, guys, for all the hard work you did last week, it was appreciated.

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