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Monday, January 30, 2017

Quebec City Massacre: solidarity in the face of horror

The Montreal Gazette editorial:
Regardless of what they may have thought they were doing, in firing on innocent worshippers the gunmen were firing at all of us. And therefore it is incumbent on all to show solidarity in the face of this horror. In due course, the accused gunmen will have to answer in court for their actions. In the meantime, the unity of our condemnation must be the only response to these repugnant actions.

Trudeau immediately called it a terrorist attack -- there was no dithering about this at all.  Initial reports blamed two shooters, one of whom was apparently Muslim.   Right wingers seem to think it couldn't really be terrorism if a shooter was Muslim -- I read many right-wing tweets about this, which I will not embed here.  Montreal Simon is rounding up the appalling right-wing reaction to the Quebec City Massacre.
But the news now is saying that there was just one shooter, a right-wing white man.  I expect silence will now descend on right-wing twitter....

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