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Saturday, March 19, 2022

Today's News: Pushing back

My heart: So this happened: The world rocked with laughter as the tweet went viral; only Russia was not amused. And I loved this response too: Checking the New York Times Ukraine map page, I see their conclusion that Russian forces are making advances in the eastern half of Ukraine: 
Ukrainian forces continue to hold off Russian advances near Kyiv, Kharkiv and in large parts of the South. Russian advances have been hindered by supply issues, with many units around the country pausing operations while they regroup. But in the east, Russian forces have made steady progress in recent days, moving west from the separatist-held territory of Donbas. 

But Markos at Daily Kos sees this somewhat differently. He analyzes the battles going on across the Ukraine and says the Ukraine Army is pushing back in the south west, aiming to push Russia back from Kherson and Melitopol  

The red arrow on the top left marks the furthest point of Russian advance, and Ukraine has now pushed the Russians back almost to Kherson. Kos writes: 
 Liberating Kherson would offer Ukraine a propaganda victory if immeasurable worth. The press is still afraid to question whether Russia is losing. That’s why we see headline after headline about Russia “pausing” and “resupplying” and “regrouping” and “reinforcing” and the like, instead of the more accurate “stuck in the mud.” Losing its biggest prize, Russia’s dire straits would be harder to hide. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian people would see tangible proof that the tide of the war was turning. 
A very interesting analysis of the battle as it is progressing. And here's another analysis from a retired army general Mark Hertling, which I found in a reference in the comments on the Markos post -- he also provides a very useful analysis, particularly for someone like me who knows nothing about military tactics:
Read the whole thread, but here are some key pieces: And here's more recent news: Everybody wants to contribute to Ukraine: Biden spent two hours talking about Ukraine and world issues with Xi: There are lots of tweets about what was said, but I liked this one: On a side note, this thread is hilarious:

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