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Thursday, March 17, 2022

Today's News: The worst option except for all the others

I got the impression for the first time today that more Canadians and Americans are finally realizing that the Russia Ukraine War might not just be another far-away war we check nightly on TV as we chatter about our few off-the-cuff ideas for how easily the Prime Minister or the President could get it all resolved if only they were "stronger", whatever that means. 
The No-Fly-Zone-NOW! yelling is, I think, tamping down a bit as everybody begins to understand that there are no quick-and-easy solutions in Cold War Two -- yes, Ukraine's cities are being targetted in terrible war crimes and yes, a No Fly Zone could save Ukraine lives, but no, there is no real way to just limit a NFZ to a "humanitarian corridor" and even if there was, any NFZ could lead to the US military shooting down Russian aircraft and this could start a nuclear World War Three and nobody wants that. 
The only real option we have is just to try to stop the war before Ukraine is blown to bits -- you could maybe describe it as the worst option except for all the others. So this is the option that Biden and Trudeau and Johnson and NATO are doing: arm the Ukraine as quickly as possible so the Ukrainians can save their own cities, plus hammer Russia with sanctions until they agree to a ceasefire.
Jen Psacki said it very succinctly today to the reporters at the White House press briefing, very few of whom are old enough to remember the Cold War:  "A no-fly zone is the United States declaring war against Russia."
Canada is sending more arms, and so is the US: As the truth sinks in, we are also starting to wonder how much danger Canada might be in: The news from Ukraine continues to be awful - the worst today was the theatre blasted by Russian bombs, where a thousand people including children were trying to find shelter. We don't know yet how many died but it is clear that this attack was a war crime. Even the Pope is concerned about Mariupol: But in spite of it all, Ukraine abides: Russia is failing everywhere now across Ukraine: Russia got kicked out of the Council of Europe too: Putin is proving himself to be a war criminal: I think we all agree with Julia here: Here's a blast from the past: But there is one thing we can count on -- there will always be those who fix their attention firmly on what's REALLY important in our society these days: how people are dressed: This Peter Schiff guy is a self-described "economist and global strategist" but apparently he was also a GOP candidate sometime. So of course, after thousands of people criticized his stupid remark, he just had to double down:

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