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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Zinger tweets: "Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada"

Well, the other day Pierre Poilievre changed his twitter bio to call himself "candidate for Prime Minister of Canada" -- dumb, of course, because Canadians do not elect their Prime Minister directly and Poilievre should know this, he's been a federal politician his entire adult life after all. 
Of course Twitter rocked with laughter and people immediately started declaring themselves to be "Candidate for Prime Minister of Canada" too. 
Here some of the better zingers:


  1. Phillip Huggan8:07 pm

    I've ranked Charest, Poillievre, and Trudeau re: 6 Future Economy portfolios.
    Space.Nanotech.COVID economy.Health/Medicine.Q-of-Life.Leadership/Defence.
    Charest wins space. Trudeau having Garneau beats Transport Pierre.
    Charest wins nanotech coming from Sherbrooke. Trudeau funding drug nanoparticles comes in 2nd. Trudeau's Covid EI win the Covid Economy/ Pierre wins second on fintech and finance.Even insurance is getting an appreciating IT slice now.
    Trudeau funding women and children $5000/yr wins on health. Charest a close 2nd being on a biotech board. Q-of-L is Charest coming from the biggest university town in Canada. Trudeau is second as capitalism lets good leaders spend public cash for only two terms before failing to consider whether big companies have a good profitable portfolio. Trudeau wins Q-of-L having Liberal advisors from the 1970's and '90s as his role models. Charest keeps supply chains open for individuals; is 2nd.
    On leadership Charest is 2nd letting cdns from everywhere in, but being old. Pierre 1st. He attacks mentally ill people. Trudeau is too pro-human-rights.
    2 pts for 1st and one for second gives: Trudeau 8, Charest 7, Pierre 3. As a Liberal Pierre might beat the second best Liberal. If the choice is a space economy 10x Earth's mines and ethane and medical imaging from the distant future, or fintech and oil exploration, the Liberals would choose correctly.

  2. Thanks for this comment and your thoughtful consideration of these positions. My problem with Poilievre is that I don't think he actually knows how to get anything done. Also, he's a jerk. But other than that.....


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