Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Marking #IDAHOBT2022

Almost two decades ago, the International Day Against Homphobia, Transphobia and Biphobia was set May 17 -- it has become a celebration around the world of Two Spirit, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer community. The only thing I am sorry about, is that our society still needs such a "day" to highlight 2SLGBTQ people and to call out the prejudice against them which we still deal with around the world. Here are some tweets from this year's Day: As I was reading through tweets today, one thing that struck me was the number of supportive tweets from sports teams and leagues across the world. As I saw these tweets, I was remembering the lengthy battle that had to be fought against homophobia in athletics - only a few years ago, support for same-sex marriage could derail an athlete's career, and the struggle is still going on. Its better than it was, but there is still a distance to go.

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