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Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Today's News: From Ketchup to Reverse-OPEC

The Cassidy Hutchinson testimony at the J6 Committee hearing today showed that Trump's White House was terrified they would all find themselves breaking the law, particularly if Trump had actually joined the mob breaking into the Capitol as he intended to do. 
Former U.S. solicitor general Neal Katyal told the Washington Post “The picture painted today is one of Trump assisting with an insurrection” 
Josh Marshall writes about the impact the J6 Committee hearings are having: 
 ...the hearings become not just an account of what was found but a tool for advancing the investigation. They are already very focused on getting Pat Cipollone to testify. 
We have all gotten used to how much the GOP and official Washington can absorb and normalize about Trump’s conduct and criminal behavior. But in this testimony today I think the committee may have gotten there. 
’m not sure Meadows, Cipollone and others are going to be able to continue refusing to testify. The committee has also increased pressure on the DOJ, though we don’t know just what DOJ already had in the works... 
This tweet raises an interesting question - what actually happened in the White House AFTER the Jan 6 insurrection was unsuccessful. Here's an argument that for the next two weeks, while Trump was being impeached again, it was the US military that was really running the country:
Compare Trump's crazy histrionics with Biden's calm competence 
  President Biden is leading an effort to manipulate the oil market at a scale the world has rarely seen, embracing cartel-like tactics in an aggressive but risky attempt to undermine Russia’s war effort in Ukraine. 
 At the Group of 7 nations meeting this week in the Bavarian Alps, Mr. Biden has attempted to assemble an upside-down version of OPEC, the world’s most powerful oil cartel, with the goal of soothing consumers burned at the gasoline pump and, if the allies get their way, helping to speed the end of the war. 
Instead of limiting supply to maximize revenues for countries selling oil, as a cartel does, Mr. Biden is trying to minimize how much one particular seller — Moscow — reaps from each barrel. He led his Group of 7 counterparts to agree on Tuesday to a plan that would cap the price of Russian oil, as a way of driving down the revenue ... 
 “Limiting the cost of Russian oil will put downward pressure on global energy prices,” Ms. Yellen said in a news release, “in a way that dampens the impact of Putin’s war on the U.S. economy.” 

In news related to the Russia Ukraine War, there was good news today about NATO: And yes, Biden was behind it all: And the UK defense bulletin tonight says there is a chance Russia was not deliberately targetting the Kremenchuk shopping centre after all but has only poorly-aimed weapons. Here is some other news - its the anniversary of the death of Terry Fox:

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