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Monday, August 08, 2022

Today's News: Cheering

Big Democratic win today in the US Senate. This "Dark Brandon" meme seems to have legs: Rob Reiner knew: Somewhere, Harry Reid is looking down and nodding "Well played, grasshopper. Well played!" Moving on, here are tweets that lay down some truth! Now this one -- wow, what a thread! On the lighter side, what a sweet story: The stories in this thread are hysterical: It includes stories like these: This is cute, isn't it: Finally, here's another great one:

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 pm

    The FBI executing a no-knock warrant on Mar-a-lago is a decent addition to the Dark Brandon meme. Trump must have soiled his Depends. And to think that Trump himself appointed FBI director Chris Wray. Et tu, Brute?



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