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Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Today's News: Less than meets the eye?

I think Trump Mar-A-Lago "raid" was either: 
-a major national security scandal about a trove of top-secret documents that Trump was trying to sell to Putin or the Saudis; OR 
 -a Got Junk? cleanup of old presidential souvenirs that the Trumps had been too lazy to box up themselves and get to the National Archives. 
Of course, it could be both. 
But the New York Times may be coming down on option 2: 
... the F.B.I. conducted the search on a day when Mr. Trump was out of town and the club was closed. The agents carried out the search in a relatively low-key manner, people with knowledge of the matter said; by some accounts they were not seen donning the conspicuous navy-blue jackets with the agency’s initials emblazoned on the back that are commonly worn when executing search warrants. 
... agents began going through a storage unit, where items like beach chairs and umbrellas are kept, in the basement. They progressed to his office, which was built for him on the second floor of the main house, where they cracked a hotel-style safe that was said by two people briefed on the search to contain nothing of consequence to the agents. 
 Then they moved to Mr. Trump’s residence, the person said. 
 Ultimately, they removed a number of boxes of documents, people familiar with the search said. It is not clear what the agents were looking for or what they took. Nor is it clear whether the search was carried out simply to ensure that the documents and other material were properly turned over to the archives or it was a possible precursor to a prosecution of Mr. Trump for mishandling classified material or obstructing efforts to get it back. 
Of course, back in 2016 the New York Times had been tricked into publishing what turned out to be the Rudy Giuliani / FBI New York Field Office "take" on the Russia story, a couple of weeks before 2016 - nothing to see here, move along, move along:
If the Trump raid is indeed a nothingburger, then the Department of Justice will have let everyone down AGAIN by not issuing a press release describing the file retrieval, rather than remaining silent and thus allowing Trump and his flying monkeys make Trump look like a persecuted hero. 
Cuomo got a lot of push-back for this tweet, but he is right: On a lighter side of the story, here are more funny takes: Moving on, Ukraine is pushing the war into the Crimea, to the surprise of Russians on the beach: Looking at the broader war, this is from the Commanding General of the US Army in Europe:

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