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Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Five questions for the Public Order Emergency Commission

Over the past several months, I have been collecting comments and tweets related to the FluTruxKlan, anticipating the upcoming Emergencies Act inquiry and the likely shit-show we will be seeing in the media .
I expect we will see a lot of hysterical tut-tutting about how the Emergencies Act was all just SUCH an OVER-REACTION by the Trudeau Liberals because all our provincial governments - Conservative (Ford, Kenny, Stephanson) and NDP (Horgan) - were doing lots of great stuff pretty soon right away so everything would have been JUST FINE because any day now they would have got a grip and the Convoy would have faded away and ...blah, blah, blah. 
The Commission into the use of the Emergencies Act to end the protests is supposed to start this week and continue through November. (It had been scheduled for September but was delayed for Commissioner Paul Rouleau's surgery).   
The inquiry witness list was dropped this morning.
The Public Order Emergency Commission (POEC) website is here and they are looking for comments:
As the months have gone by, we have found out more about what was happening in Canada last January and February, in Ottawa and across the country: When I review the tweets I flagged over the last few months, I have five questions that I hope the Public Commission will answer: 
1. Whose side were the police really on?
2. Whose side are the media really on?
3. Whose side is the public really on?
4. Conservatives, WTF?
5. Are the hearings going to be a clown show?

1. Whose side were the police really on? Even in Edmonton, it appears police were ready to mass-arrest counter-protestors:

2. Whose side are the media really on?

3. Whose side is the public really on?
And why is it up to an "Ottawa People's Commission" to gather the stories of Ottawa residents about what they had to put up with during the Convoy occupation?

4. Conservatives, WTF? 
Were they thinking that they could somehow leverage the Convoy to get Trudeau to resign? They sure acted like it.

5. Are the hearings going to be a clown show?
I am wondering if Parliament will let the Commission hearings be turned into another anti-Trudeau circus, or if they will actually let Canadians consider the circumstances and implications of the Emergency Act declaration. A number of the Convoy organizers will have standing at the Inquiry, though not all of their Standing requests were granted.


  1. Anonymous5:18 pm

    That's a great list of questions to be answered, Cathie. The first one's the big one for me, what's with the cops? The police force is inherently authoritarian and attracts those with an authoritarian mindset. In other words, a lot of cops are at least fash curious. We're in for serious trouble if the cops won't enforce the law against right-wing radicals. We're in for worse troubles if the cops join them.


  2. The other question I thought of was, where did all that money come from?
    But I don't know if this will get covered at all in these hearings - depends on whether it turns out to be relevant to why the government thought the Emergencies Act was needed. I have sometimes wondered if Russia was trying to undermine the Trudeau government before they invaded Ukraine, but maybe that is just too far-fetched.

  3. Anonymous6:24 am

    Money? My bet's on the oil and gas industry. Look at the kind of politicians they buy in AB and SK. Look at their funding of the Proud astroturf groups. As for Russia, what's that country's main source of revenue again? Who cares about democracy when it gets in the way of burning the planet.


  4. Anonymous6:57 pm

    My suspicions are being confirmed. The oil industry is rage farming and bankrolled the FluTruxKlan. The Yellow Vests and Convoy Clowns are all the same people.


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