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Saturday, July 29, 2023

Look up! Look way up!

Starting in the evening of July 30, until dawn July 31, may be the best chance to catch a glimpse of the Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower, as long as the moon doesn't get in the way. This Smithsonian photo shows the Aquariids over Mount St. Helen's (photo by Diana Robinson Photography via Getty Images)
Carlyn Kranking at the Smithsonian magazine writes: 
Earth is currently traveling through multiple clouds of dusty comet debris, bringing a higher-than-usual amount of meteors to the night sky. When these fragments of rock and metal enter the atmosphere, the air around them heats up, creating a blazing glow visible from the ground. The Delta Aquariids coincide with a few other meteor showers, such as the famous Perseids, that promise to impress spectators for weeks to come. 
Also, the Perseids are starting now and peaking later in August, while the less impressive Alpha Capricornids are happening now as well.
If this kind of stuff interests you, you can sync your google calendar to the New York Times Space Calendar (gift link).

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:04 am

    The Southern Delta Aquariids meteor shower offers a spectacular celestial show from July 30 evening until dawn on July 31, provided the moon doesn't interfere. Earth's passage through comet debris leads to an increased meteor count. Alongside the Delta Aquariids, other showers like the Perseids will captivate stargazers for weeks ahead. Enjoy the awe-inspiring night sky!

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