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Friday, December 29, 2023

Odds and ends - from dancing ladies to dancing daddies, and dogs, of course

So tonight I have been going through various Bookmarks and other saved posts and I'm finding some great stuff to share.
This month I saw two different cartoons based on the Matisse dancing ladies, of all things. The first is about folding a fitted sheet:
And the second is about scientific research, of all things:

Moving on, here's something I do all the time:
Continuing on, check out this whole thread, it's hilarious:
If there is one thing that will save the United States from a Trump dictatorship, it is that Trump himself is a stupid man who surrounds himself with ineptitude: Moving on, here are a couple of wonder-trees! First, in Brazil: Next, in Idaho:

Dads helping their daughters dance! Stephen King remembers the good old days - and I remember them too: What it's like to learn an ancient language:
Post by @the.language.nerds
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Dogs, bruh!
Post by @8ball_adam
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Finally, this:
Post by @jossfong
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1 comment:

  1. e.a.f.3:17 pm

    Thanks for the laughs, especially the one by Stephen King. Remember those times. The problem with those new style keys is, replacing them. Its very costly. The old style keys, just go to a key maker and viola, done.

    Maps certainly are more reliable than gps, etc. If the car won't turn on, no GPS. Maps are always there and they frequently show secondary and logging roads. Still carry maps in the vehicles. Also don't like the power windows. You can't lower windows if the engine isn't on at some level. Makes things difficult on the ferries.

    Oh, well they are first world problems, so I'll get over it.

    Happy New Year. Thank you for all your work this year!


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