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Monday, July 22, 2024

Farewell to Biden; Hello to Kamala

Biden was one of the best presidents America has had but I expect Kamala will be even better. 
Tonight, social media is full of great tweets and stories about Biden, about Kamala, about Democrats. And there was definitely a tone of relief tonight that things are settled.
A good Joe story:
"One senior White House official recalls entering the Oval Office on a hot summer day to brief the president, only to see Biden missing and his jacket draped over his chair behind the Resolute Desk.
A few minutes later, a sweat-soaked Biden stepped back inside and apologized for being late. He had gone out to the South Lawn to thank the gardeners working that day.
“His sleeves were rolled up and his tie was undone,” the official recalled. “He came in looking like s--- and sweating like a pig, but he wanted to go out there and thank those guys. That’s the Joe Biden I know.”
I expect Kamala Harris will have her stumbles -- she's had them before -- but tonight the MAGA frothing is just delightful:
At Daily Kos, SemDem writes:
Trump threatened to bring the GOP down with him if they didn’t make him the nominee. He refused to leave the stage. Biden, knowing democracy was at stake, put his ego aside for the good of the nation and in one amazing selfless act, changed the game. The Democratic party is energized, excited, and united.


  1. The Democrat's convention will now attract more attention and the post convention boost will continue in the short period before the election. Trump craves attention and will do almost anything to get it. With eyes turned elsewhere his behavior may decome even more erratic .

  2. Media American Minute circa 2067
    episode 87
    "The Man that Saved America"
    In the year 2024 President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. the 46th president of the United States, better known as Joe, selflessly for the sake of the country ...

  3. Thanks for the comments. I am seeing so many tweets today that confirm the absolute enthusiasm for Kamala as well as for Joe's decision.


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