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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Mainly, we duck and cover....

From 2016 to 2020, Canada survived Trump by ducking a lot - Trudeau managed to save NAFTA mostly, we didn't get pulled into any American wars, we quietly helped out the refugees who found their way across the border, and only once was Trudeau caught laughing at Trump
But it was tense, and you could almost feel the relief in 2020 when Covid gave Canada a reason to stop Americans at the border -- both tourists and the 82nd Airborne, whichever came first. 
But now, here we go again --  
Jeff Tiedrich posts this video and writes elderly golfer blithers about a giant faucet in Canada it’s so easy to solve the world’s problems when you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about’s so easy to solve the world’s problems when you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.
 there’s no doubt that years ago, some hapless administrator at the Commerce Department was explaining to Donny all about California’s complex system of rivers, aqueducts and reservoirs — and at some point along the way, described water management as “think of it as a big faucet.” but whoever that was forgot about the part where Donny is a fucking idiot who has no idea what metaphors are. so in Donny’s mind, there’s a literal faucet in — I don’t know, Canada maybe — and it’s huge, and it takes an entire day to turn. 
and of course, Donny knows more about water management than all the water managers, so he’s got the solution to no one else is smart enough to come up with: just turn that big fucker in the other direction — and then sit back as all the big, strong water managers, their massive arms (because you need big muscles to turn that goddamn enormous faucet) tanned and glistening in the golden California sunshine, come up to Donny with tears of gratitude in their eyes, saying sir! sir! ‘just turn it in the other direction.’ we turned the shit out of it, sir, and now California has all the water it needs! sir, how do you do it? 
seriously, if someone in your own family started blithering about a “big faucet in Canada,” you’d be all come on, grandpa, we’re going for a ride and you’d bundle the old duffer off to a good memory-care facility, post haste. 
I think that was the same press interview, at his California golf course, where Trump talked about how great it was to see Hawaii in the distance -- and he was talking about Catalina Island.


  1. e.a.f.4:05 am

    ah yes, the idiot to the south, a big tap, sort of like a big yap. Its just too funny, on the other hand the guy wants to be President/dictator of the most powerful nation in the world. Ah how sad. I'm sure there are Americans who would like to access Canadian water, but we had best be careful. As I recall there was something in the Free Trade Agreement that once we start selling water to the U.S.A. we can't stop. They'll simply piss it away, no pun intended. Had they taken better care of their own water, they wouldn't be looking to Canada.
    There isn't a tap, but there is the Columbia River which flows into the U.S.A.
    We do not know what the future holds, especially when it comes to climate change and water. We need to keep all Canadian water in Canada. I've always believed that some day water will cost more than gas/oil.
    Trump is delusional enough to think our water is in a pipeline and they can just extend it to the U.S.A. Perhaps we can send him a bunch of facets and no water.

  2. In the 70s we encountered surveyors and streamflow gauges installed on our fishing streams in the Canadian Rockies. Was freely informed by wildlife officers of the time that they were American and working on water diversion.
    You and I may have ducked and covered, unfortunately trump has been embraced totally by lil pp "le pire" and his ilk right down to the delusion and the ability to lie on cue. Here as there , the more outrageous the claim the quicker the believers follow.
    Canadians in general are about to prove they are morons as a fast talking small minded con is poised to take the helm. The tax won't be the last use of the ax. They are the "I believe" rs , the "way I feel" ers, the "in my opinion" crew, trumps "I love the uneducated" bunch or lil pps "the common man of common sense" and if the science and math disagree with them, they double down because they are never wrong.
    The convoy was truckers that couldn't keep a job or truckers with companies going broke willing to overthrow the country because they could run the economy better. And here we go again.
    pps "Bring down the government I dare ya" will be the first of a long string of things we really liked going down, getting the axe. Conservatives are the destroyers


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