Saturday, September 14, 2024

Today's News: #ETTD

Back in 2016, Rick Wilson invented the hashtag #ETTD (Everything Trump Touches Dies) - and he is absolutely right. Every single time.

Every new Trump favorite has that wild eyed look in their eyes for a few days like they’ll be different from all the others he used up and threw away. And you can see it go out of their eyes, photo by photo. It’s speeding up too. Vance is already in shadow. RFK too. Loomer is next.

— Alexander Chee ( September 13, 2024 at 6:19 PM
Now Trump has America's entire immigration system in his crosshairs:

over and over, Trump has said that he will try to deport 20 million immigrants he means it, Vance means it, Stephen Miller means it, the whole vile fascist apparatus means it this is a dry run of the language and the lies they will use to justify it and all of the violent horrors it entails

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— Micah ( September 13, 2024 at 1:07 PM
And on a side note: And on another side note: This Washington Post article about the Trump-Loomer romance goes on and on, and it has an odd undertone -- like everybody is still in junior high gossiping about who is dating who, and miffed that Trump didn't pick THEM to be his Prom date.
...Loomer regularly espouses conspiracy theories — including claims that both the 2018 school massacres in Parkland, Fla., and Santa Fe, Tex., were staged. Loomer, 31, has provided plenty of fodder for the Republican presidential nominee....
Loomer’s rhetoric “doesn’t represent MAGA as a whole,” Greene said Thursday. “It doesn’t represent who we are as Republicans.” She added that she does not think Loomer “has the experience or the right mentality to advise a very important presidential election.”
Loomer, on social media, quickly lashed out at Graham and Greene after their comments criticizing her presence in Trump’s entourage....
If you are wondering, Loomer is younger than Ivanka, Eric and Don, and she only beats Tiffany by five months.

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