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Saturday, February 26, 2022

Today's News: Lighting up the world for Ukraine

The world is supporting Ukraine, a development that apparently Putin did not expect. Even, apparently now, China. Trudeau and Johnson are getting Europe and the world on board with tougher sanctions: And if there's one person who should know the pitfalls of a nation starting a war of choice, its David Frum: Even Republicans are starting to parrot "Its really all Biden's fault somehow" as they desperately try to make everyone forget their knee-jerk pro-Putin reactions yesterday. And here's a timely reminder: Sean Penn is in Ukraine right now shooting a documentary about the war because of course he is: To his credit, Louis CK refused to cancel his show tonight in Kyiv -- though it also led to this tweet: Russian athletes are being put on the spot and, with some risk to their families in Russia, are speaking up: I hope its not just wishful thinking, but the war doesn't seem to be going Putin's way: The courage of the Ukrainians is legendary now: Canada proudly proclaims one of the largest Ukrainian diaspora in the world - the paintings of Manitoba artist William Kurelek tell their story here:


  1. Anonymous7:34 am

    I don't think Johnson will do much to get Europe and the rest of the world on board with tough sanctions against Russia. He and his Tory party are heavily indebted to Russian oligarchs living the high life and laundering money in London. They don't call a whole posh section of London "Moscow on the Thames" for nothing.

    How many Englishmen do you know called Boris? Like Trump, Boris is a Russian asset and has been for a long time:


  2. They did stop Russian private planes from landing, so maybe that's something.


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