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Friday, February 25, 2022

Today's News: Ukraine fights back

Though most of my attention is on the Ukraine now, there is still actual Canadian news for yesterday and today-- Trudeau has revoked the Emergencies Act, for one thing -- and the insurrectionists who fucked around are finding out more of what Canadian justice has in store for them. I don't think the people of Ottawa will ever forget this attempted insurrection - I would love to see a book about it, and maybe this artist's work could illustrate it: And never forget the Battle of Billings Bridge: Turning to the war in the Ukraine, I thought this post today was inspirational and beautiful: And this is just so tragic: There are some reports tonight that the Ukraine army, though outnumbered and outgunned, continues to fight for their country with courage and determination, and even may be winning some battles: And once again, Republicans are on the wrong side of history: And one more bit of interesting info:


  1. Anonymous7:25 am

    FYI for your readers, the Financial Times has made its excellent coverage of the war in Ukraine free to all. Chrystia Freeland was its Moscow bureau chief back in the day.


  2. Thanks - I didn't know that. I appreciate getting this news, Cap!


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