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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Today's News: War in Ukraine

78 years of peace in Europe was ended today by Russia and Belarus attacking the Ukraine. Its worth noting that Ukraine and Belarus are both huge countries. Someone said it would take 50 divisions to invade a country the size of Ukraine, and Putin only has 15.
So Russia won't be pulling a blizkreig invasion over the whole country, probably more like pummelling airports and ports and infrastructure, and hoping Ukraine will just collapse militarily and economically, and sue for peace, letting the Russians march in without opposition, ending up with half the country occupied by Russia and the other half another version of Vichy France. 
Its difficult to see now what the rest of the world will do to stop this, and whether Europe and the world can get pulled into fighting too:
In America, the Republicans should be ashamed of themselves for how they are following Trump's lead and supporting Putin, and many are calling them out: In Canada, considering all the pro-Putin Fox News blathering going on, I have been wondering which way our own CPC would go with this - particularly given how steadfast Trudeau has been in supporting Ukraine and how the CPC is always knee-jerk negative to everything Trudeau does. 
But tonight our old frenemy Harper issued a statement that was, I think, a clear message to the CPC to stop with the politics and get with the program: And finally -- Trump is just such a clueless twit: One thing we can count on is that Putin will put everything he can into turning the House and the Senate in 2022, and re-electing Trump to the presidency in 2024. 
It was a dreadful night to search for anything amusing to finish off this post, but this provoked a rueful chuckle:

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