Sunday, March 09, 2008

Great line of the day

James Wolcott writes about the rants of the Obama supporters:
Hillary and Obama don't need to be told the facts of life, but such instruction seems to have eluded Obama's supporters, many of whom seem to be in a hurry to go from hoping to moping, from feeling better about the future to feeling sorry for themselves. God forbid she wins Pennsylvania--that'll really give these crybabies something to cry about.
I know what he means -- over at Daily Kos, the meaningless plethora of Obama-si-Hillary-no posts, along with hundreds of people who think hitting the "recommend" button for every pro-Obama post is a worthwhile way to spend their time, is making this site virtually unreadable these days.

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Two remarkable events

Two remarkable events today -- International Women's Day, and my birthday! Let's celebrate:

Friday, March 07, 2008

Another Nelson moment

This Nelson moment -- Tories implore Senate to quash RESP bill -- has been brought to you by the Liberal Party of Canada.

Great line of the day

Dave at Galloping Beaver alerts us to Newsweek's report that Canadian terrorist prosecutions are excluding CIA evidence, quoting Bernard Beckhoff, public safety ministry spokesperson:
"The CSIS director has stated publicly that torture is morally repugnant and not particularly reliable. CSIS does not knowingly use information which has been obtained through torture."
I'm glad to hear it.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

So what is the truth of it?

Personally, I don't care about who leaked what about whom.
What's important is the truth of it -- will either Clinton or Obama actually renegotiate NAFTA or not?
This time, will the Americans negotiate a deal they can live up to, or will we have to go through another decade of court cases with obstructive American industries blaming Canada for their marketing problems?
And for our part, will the Harper government actually negotiate with the best interests of Canada at heart, or will their basic operating principle be just the protection of industries in Conservative ridings?

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.
As Birth Pangs describes it so well, the Unborn Child Victims of Crime bill (AKA the Kicking Abortion's Ass act) is a "back-door attempt to again make women’s pregnancies public property". And tonight the pro-lifers are thrilled that the bill passed second reading.
SoCon Or Bust writes:
... the momentum is clearly moving in our direction. If not this time, it will happen in the future. It’s inevitable now.
Just give us a little crack and we’ll drive this

Little baby steps….easy does it.
And its not just the bloggers who hear the dogwhistle. The ordinary people who write letters to the editor all hear it too, like this one and this one.

Emery update

I was wondering what was going on with this case.
Apparently there's a deal being cooked up between the Canadian government and the Americans over Marc Emery, though it might not work out.
Marijuana crusader Marc Emery is blaming a clash of judicial cultures for delays in a plea bargain that would send him to prison briefly in the United States before serving several years in Canada. . . .
"What's at stake is the Canadian prosecutorial service doesn't think that it's possible to make a deal where a Canadian judge is compelled to do something specific, like put me in jail for a minimum length of time or set some kind of parole date," he said.. . .
A plea bargain was in the works that would see charges dropped against Williams and Rainey while Emery would plead guilty and receive a prison sentence.. . .
Emery said he finds the whole process odd.
"The Canadian government could just have me charged and that would lay the matter to rest and they wouldn't have to be concerned because some judge would come to a determination as to whether I should be incarcerated," he said.
But Canada won't charge him, because no Canadian court would convict him.
And that wouldn't satisfy the Americans at all.

Monday, March 03, 2008


Well, given today's news, I guess we can do a Shorter Stephen Harper:
Why would anyone believe we would try to buy Chuck Cadman's vote ? It's the AMERICAN vote we're trying to influence!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Great line of the day

Dana at Galloping Beaver writes about Harper's law and order obsession:
There are some who understand just how much the Harperites intend to legislate changes in the culture of the country.
Unfortunately none of them are sitting on the opposition benches.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


From I Can Has Cheezburger, via TRex

Well, duh!

Ottawa loses Wheat Board battle
The federal government has lost a court battle over the Canadian Wheat Board.
The Federal Court of Appeal has upheld a lower court ruling which said the Conservative cabinet exceeded its power when it tried to strip the wheat board of its barley monopoly.
Of course they lost -- the legislation is quite clear that if Ottawa wants to take the barley monopoly away from the Wheat Board they have to do it in Parliament, not by just a Cabinet order.
Just one more reason not to elect a Harper majority government.

Hot stuff

When I saw this story, I thought of this song.


Shorter Brian Mulroney:
I'll do absolutely anything to clear my name...except tell anyone what actually happened.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Great line of the day

Tbogg, talking about Ralph Nader running for president again:
Ralph Nader is like Abe Vigoda; if people don't hear from him every once in awhile, they think he's dead.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Strange bedfellows

The sympathetic tone of some of the coverage about the Anglican church rift is hard to believe.
These so-called Christians, however personable and charming and soft-spoken are bigots, using the cover of religion to inflate their hateful prejudices into some kind of divine mission.
Just like Fred Phelps has done.
And when you find yourself on the same page as Fred Phelps -- well now, I would consider that as a pretty clear sign from God that you'd better reconsider.