Friday, February 23, 2024

Poilievre wants Canadian Porn Constables -- our new CPC!

Sorry for the lack of posts this week -- my laptop was in the shop. 
But tonight I'm back to it again, and just in time! 
Because it was one of those weeks when Christ, what an asshole! should have been trending. 
I don't know why Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) leader Pierre Poilievre decided to turn his focus away from actual election issues -- housing, consumer prices -- and toward culture war craziness like transgender bathroom usage and starting a federal Jerk-Off registration agency. But he is getting horselaughs across the country.
I think we should call this the new CPC - Canadian Porn Constables: Even media who smile and nod when someone is lambasting Trudeau are mystified by Poilievre's new porn policing ID idea: Evan Scrimshaw, Poilievre's Graphic Gambit a Needless Gamble
... On a week that started with Justin Trudeau standing beside David Eby announcing a big Federal support for a provincial housebuilding program, the end of the week is focused on showing ID to watch porn and what bathroom trans people can use because the Tory leader wants us focused on that. As a matter of motivating the Liberals and getting them back in gear, this has helped. As a matter of potentially reinvigorating the PPC, Poilievre has given them an issue. 
...Poilievre is taking the Tories off of an economic message that has worked for them into culture war fights there’s no guarantee they can win. And that’s a stupid thing to do when you could cruise control to the government benches. ...Going on flights of bigotry about trans just an excuse to those who are thinking about voting for Poilievre but don’t like it to come home....The porn flight of fancy is even dumber, because it’s a massive encroachment of civil liberties that threatens to give Max Bernier a defining issue at the next election,...


lungta said...

TG at documented 0.0037% of population are statistically totally irrelevant. Virtually any other issue has more to it and affects many more people; unless of course you include the effect on all women then it is up to 50%.
If this becomes 'lil pps' Achilles heel it is going to be so ironic.

Cap said...

Lungta, you forgot to multiply by 100 to get the percentage. According to the 2021 census, "Of the nearly 30.5 million people in Canada aged 15 and older living in a private household in May 2021, 100,815 were transgender (59,460) or non-binary (41,355), accounting for 0.33% of the population in this age group."

I honestly don't understand why people are freaking out over PP's position that porn sites should require proof of age. Is it now the progressive position that girls benefit from boys addicted to violent and degrading images of women being choked and sodomized?

e.a.f. said...

Reading all of this in the news caused laughter. Has he not had a look around the country. Porn police, he is going to loose votes.
It is a distraction for sure.

PP was part of the Harper crew, who while in office, passed 9 pieces of legislation they were advised violated the Constitution. Harper and crew passed them anyway. Result, 9 cases to the Supreme Court of Canada. Result, Harper and co,. nil. Winners-- (all 9) those who fought back and that included the nice lawyer from Toronto who fought several of those.

If I looked around B.C. I'd suggest the biggest danger to children, young adults is not porn but poverty--the other porn.

Some may not like the federal Liberals, but when was the last time the federal Conservatives passed any social legislation,. Most social legislation was passed while the Liberals were in office, O.K. they had to be pushed by the NDP but it got through.

PP doesn't care about women. The first thing he and his boss, harper did when they formed government was to defund all women's organization the feds were funding.

We've already heard what Smith--Alberta has had to say about transgender children and also PP. If PP comes to power there will be even more misery brought down on transgender people. We don't need that. Its no one's business but the person and their medical team.

Lorne said...

I used to read the funnies, but they no longer can compete with PP's pronouncements.