April 28th, 2006 -- Cunningham-Wilkes-Foggo "Hookergate" scandal breaks open. Probe grows out of San Diego US Attorney's Office's Cunningham investigation. CIA Director Goss denies involvement.Now you may be wondering why this whole scandal didn't get a lot more coverage at the time -- particularly the $21 million Homeland Security contract to a limosine company owned by a guy with a 62-page rap sheet (sounds like a "made" guy, doesn't he?)
April 29th, 2006 -- Washington Post reports that Hookergate's Shirlington Limo Service had $21 million contract with Department of Homeland Security.
May 2nd, 2006 -- Kyle "Dusty" Foggo confirms attendence at Wilkes/Cunningham Hookergate parties.
May 4th, 2006 -- Watergate Hotel subpoenaed in San Diego/Cunningham/Hookergate probe.
May 5th, 2006 -- WSJ reports that Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, who Goss installed as #3 at CIA, is under criminal investigation as part of the San Diego/Cunningham investigation.
May 5th, 2006 -- Porter Goss resigns as Director of Central Intelligence.
May 6th, 2006 -- WaPo reports on questionable DHS contract awarded to Shirlington Limo, the 'hookergate' Limo service under scrutiny as part of the San Diego/Cunningham investigation. Similar report in the Times.
May 7th, 2006 -- House Committee to investigate DHS contract with Hookergate's Shirlington Limo.
May 8th, 2006 -- Lyle "Dusty" Foggo resigns at CIA.
May 11th, 2006 -- LA Times reports that Cunningham investigation has expanded into the dealings of Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-CA), House Appropriations Committee Chairman.
May 12th, 2006 -- Federal agents working on the San Diego/Cunningham investigation execute search warrants on the home and CIA office of Kyle "Dusty" Foggo.
Well, me too. The mess was dubbed "Hookergate" but for reasons I have never been able to understand, it soon died from the news radar screen.
No congressional hearings, I guess.
And right around then the NSA phone call database story broke.
But there was also so much other important stuff going on right then -- Anna Nicole Smith won her Supreme Court case! And a diner at TGI Friday's found a human finger in his burger! And Katie Couric was leaving the Today show! And Paris Hilton launched a video game! And Tom Cruise was acting all weird! And . . .