Dan Kelly, president of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, recently told CBC News that many Canadian employers feel that temporary foreign workers have a better work ethic than Canadians and that there are some jobs in some regions that Canadians do not want to do.Better work ethic? What tripe! Here's what I think employers actually like about those temporary foreign workers - they aren't likely to be talking to a union anytime soon.
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Blog, blog against the dying of the light"
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Cautionary tale
Here's what employers supposedly like about temporary foreign workers:
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out
It couldn't have happened to a more deserving guy:
despite endorsements of Anders by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Calgary cabinet heavyweight Jason Kenney, Liepert’s message that the area deserved a better MP resonated with Conservative voters weary of Anders’ shoot from the lip style.
"He can’t point to one damn thing he can take credit for accomplishing in this riding.” A fitting epitaph for the creepy, undead Rob Anders.
— Dr.Dawg (@DrDawg) April 13, 2014
When Rob Anders wakes up from his nap he'll be pissed. #cdnpoli
— Steve V (@FarAndWide) April 13, 2014
Now Rob Anders has more time to follow his true passion: finding and fighting the ghost of Nelson Mandela.
— Charles Demers (@charliedemers) April 13, 2014
When his staffers finally succeeded in waking Anders to give him the bad news he was heard to exclaim but Mandela IS a terrorist
— trapdinawrpool (@trapdinawrpool) April 13, 2014
Saturday, April 12, 2014
Great line of the day
From Thomas Walkom's column about Jim Flaherty and the CBC cuts -- CBC cuts show other side of Jim Flaherty:
Those who knew him say he was hard-working, loyal to his family and possessed of an engaging personality.Yes, that pretty much sums up how I feel.
There is no evidence that I know of to suggest that his motives were anything but public-spirited.
But he was also an integral part of a government determined to smash or cripple much of what makes Canada a livable country.
His death is a reminder that good people can do bad things for the best of motives...
Flaherty was also a willing and active participant in Harper’s dark experiment to remake Canada along Conservative lines. The omnibus budget bills that, to the dismay of the opposition, allowed this experiment to proceed were his.
Tuesday, April 08, 2014
I'm back
And I think I'm just in time to watch the so-called Fair Elections Act go down in flames.
First, we find out that moving elections investigations to the AG department actually WAS because the Harper Cons are blaming the messenger, Elections Canada for the elections scandals which have plagued their party since 2006 -- instead of blaming their own colleagues and their own staff, those guys who actually, you know, broke the law and lied about it:
And finally today, we have the unprecedented and appalling spectacle of a government minister, Pierre Pollievre, launching a vicious personal attack against a civil servant, Marc Mayrand.
First, we find out that moving elections investigations to the AG department actually WAS because the Harper Cons are blaming the messenger, Elections Canada for the elections scandals which have plagued their party since 2006 -- instead of blaming their own colleagues and their own staff, those guys who actually, you know, broke the law and lied about it:
Mr. Aspin is the first Conservative to publicly voice suspicions within the party that, somehow, the two reporters who broke the robocalls story, Ottawa Citizen Glen McGregor and Postmedia News Stephen Maher, were the recipients of leaked information from Elections Canada.... Asked if he believes the Conservative suspicion about leaks to journalists from the Elections Canada investigation was the reason behind the government’s distrust of the agency and its decision to transfer investigative powers through Bill C-23, Mr. Aspin replied: “I’m sure it had an impact, because, I mean, the investigations I don’t think were handled professionally, and that’s a non-partisan comment.”This accusation was echoed by a former Harper Communications Director, Geoff Norquay, who told CBC that the act is "vengeance" on the Chief Electoral Officer. As reported by Jason Koblovsky at Mind Bending Politics:
Norquay’s “vengeance” comments stunned all of the members of the Power Panel to which he was commenting on. Norquay later tried to retract.I'll bet he did.
And finally today, we have the unprecedented and appalling spectacle of a government minister, Pierre Pollievre, launching a vicious personal attack against a civil servant, Marc Mayrand.
...Democratic Reform Minister Pierre Poilievre accused Marc Mayrand of opposing the proposed overhaul of election laws because he wants more power for himself. Poilievre told the Senate legal and constitutional affairs committee that Mayrand is making “astounding” and “amazing” allegations about the Fair Elections Act, or Bill-C23.Personal attacks like this are the last refuge of scoundrels, and the surest sign yet that the Harper Cons know their terrible elections bill is flaming out.
"He wants more power, a bigger budget and less accountability,” Poilievre said.
Monday, March 31, 2014
Hello I must be going
So Dr. Dawg retweeted one of my tweets and a bunch of great people let me know they have decided to follow me on Twitter -- and so now I'm going out of town and likely won't be tweeting or posting for the next week.
So it goes. La de da.
To all of my new followers, yes, I will be tweeting, just not for a little while.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Goodbye you must be going
I have usually dismissed as wishful thinking those recent stories about Harper's precarious position in the party.
But maybe it is true that Harper's control over the party is slipping, when one of Harper's favourites cannot bully through a nomination dispute:
But maybe it is true that Harper's control over the party is slipping, when one of Harper's favourites cannot bully through a nomination dispute:
Dimitri Soudas, Stephen Harper’s hand-picked executive director of the Conservative Party was dumped by the party Sunday night. The CBC reported just before 9 p.m. that the party’s national council was informed of the dismissal in a conference call. Soudas was at the centre of a storm after openly interfering in a nomination battle in Oakville-North Burlington, where his fiancĂ©e Eve Adams is in a tough competition to run for re-election in one of Toronto’s newly created ridings.I'll bet there was more than one f-bomb dropped during that phone call.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Scorched earth
Lawrence Martin thinks just about everybody is reaching their gag limit on the Harper Cons:
So basically Harper has another year as Prime Minister and then he will most likely be gone.
Will Harper go quietly into that good night? Or he is going to adopt the kind of "scorched earth" policies that will incinerate the country behind his retreat?
Do I even need to ask?
The strategy of the PMO has been to subjugate the other powers bases in Ottawa, the checks and balances in the system, to the point where they offer little resistance. The record shows that major progress has been made. But evidence suggests resistance is growing in many quarters, including, if opinion polls are to be believed, from the people themselves.And the polls are also consistently showing the Trudeau Liberals beating the Harper Cons in the next election, irregardless of how many anti-Trudeau smears they run.
So basically Harper has another year as Prime Minister and then he will most likely be gone.
Will Harper go quietly into that good night? Or he is going to adopt the kind of "scorched earth" policies that will incinerate the country behind his retreat?
Do I even need to ask?
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
What the War Nerd says about the Crimea
Over the years, whenever there is a war going on just about anywhere, it's The War Nerd, Gary Brecher, who seems to explain it better than anyone else.
So I've been wondering what he would say about the Crimea and here it is: basically, that the West is f**ked:
So I've been wondering what he would say about the Crimea and here it is: basically, that the West is f**ked:
The two versions of Russia — McCain’s “gas station masquerading as a country” and Lake’s fearsome conqueror — both start from the same bitter knowledge . . . It’s a simple one: Russia will take Crimea, won’t pay a big price for it, and there’s not a thing anyone can do about it. . . . Russia is now the world’s #1 oil exporting nation, topping Saudi Arabia — that beacon of democracy and fine American ally — by more than a million barrels a day.
With reserves estimated at 80 billion barrels, Russia will have a stash of what everybody wants for a long, long time.
Which makes it kind of a big gas station . . . The crude must flow, no matter how crudely its Russian owners behave.
The only media that seem willing to acknowledge this are the finance sites. They can’t afford to let jingoism affect their bets, so they’ve been surprisingly clear-headed, saying outright that there’s nothing the West can do
Monday, March 17, 2014
Intentions and the U of R cheer team
The University of Regina Cheer Team posted a "cowboys and Indians" photo, hastily removed with the apology that they didn't intend to disrespect anyone.
I believe that the U of R Cheer Team did not intend to disrespect anyone. As stereotypes of Indigenous people and a frontier narrative of white-settler ‘progress’ are part of our liberal ideology, it is possible to both have good intentions and act in racist ways within Canada and Saskatchewan. . . . ‘good intentions’ do not undo the effects of our actions nor should they excuse them. Rather, our responsibility as a (white-settler) community needs to shift from a simple blind ‘good intentions’ (which justifies a continued ignorance of the effects of our practices) to critical reflection on our practices before we engage in them and reparations when we cause harm (whether unintentional or intentional). It needs to shift to relational accountability to and with Indigenous communities, on this land that we share. This comes through conversations and ongoing, non-crisis-driven relationships with Indigenous communities. This comes through offering reparations for our colonial past, through working with Indigenous people to change the colonial present and the racist and sexist nature of our society.The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Sunday, March 16, 2014
PQ has fallen and it can't get up
I get the impression that the Parti Quebecois election campaign has rapidly fallen off the rails.
Last weekend we heard about nothing except Pierre Karl Peladeau's separatist yearnings and problematic ethics, then we had a week dominated by the visual of Marios pushing PKP away from the microphone. Now a PQ candidate has had to quit over a "F--K Islam" photo, and Marois has had to spend her weekend defending the PQ candidate who compared baptism, circumcision to rape.
And its only week two of the campaign.
Montreal Simon is concerned about the longer term picture -- and so am I -- but in the meantime I can't stop watching the train wreck.
Last weekend we heard about nothing except Pierre Karl Peladeau's separatist yearnings and problematic ethics, then we had a week dominated by the visual of Marios pushing PKP away from the microphone. Now a PQ candidate has had to quit over a "F--K Islam" photo, and Marois has had to spend her weekend defending the PQ candidate who compared baptism, circumcision to rape.
And its only week two of the campaign.
Montreal Simon is concerned about the longer term picture -- and so am I -- but in the meantime I can't stop watching the train wreck.
Monday, March 10, 2014
The Donald North
If Sun News Network is Fox News North, then Pierre Karl Peladeau sounds to me like Donald Trump.
Michael Den Tandt's list of anecdotes sure makes Peladeau sound grotesquely egotistical poseur, more than a little unwrapped:
Michael Den Tandt's list of anecdotes sure makes Peladeau sound grotesquely egotistical poseur, more than a little unwrapped:
"His claims to being entrepreneurial, decisive, and an innovator, which he reiterated Sunday, are absolutely fair. An insistence on having his own way, at all times and in all circumstances, however, has long been part and parcel of his management style, and often led his newspapers into thickets that verged on the farcical...Den Tandt seems to think it shows remarkable chutzpah for Marois to bring Peladeau into the PQ. I think it smacks of desperation. The Parti Quebecois will regret getting involved with a guy like this.
His reputation, which circulated everywhere through the senior ranks of Sun Media in the years after he took personal executive control, was that of an intelligent, determined and ruthless manager — who was also capricious, temperamental, and often enraged at his underlings...
There were stories of tirades that lasted for hours; very-late-night briefings with senior managers that went on and on, with Peladeau lecturing, Fidel-Castro-like, as his helpless employees struggled to keep awake; the Quebecor corporate jet wafting into small-town Ontario airports so the Boss could barnstorm into a newsroom of three or four desks, to sign a sheaf of backlogged expense cheques, as the workers stood quaking nearby. I know of one small-town publisher who received an email from Peladeau at 3 a.m., angrily querying the purchase of some T-shirts for a local charitable event. PKP made a virtue of intense micro-management, believing it integral to the operation of a good business.
Saturday, March 08, 2014
Great line of the day
In Stephen Maher's article about the terrible optics of the Vic Toews judicial appointment:
The bench should not be used as a retirement home for burnt out politicians.
That’s what the Senate is for . . .
Friday, March 07, 2014
Blue meanies
It only took six years, but the Harper Con clawback of disability benefits for injured Mounties has finally been ended:
Lawyers for a group of disabled RCMP officers say they have reached a settlement with the federal government over disability payments that were clawed back....Now if they could just stop insulting veterans with one penny cheques....
The case involves about 1,000 disabled RCMP officers who had seen their long-term disability payments reduced by the amount they received every month in disability pension payments from the Veterans Affairs Department.
The proposed agreement also means the reduction would end for all RCMP veterans now receiving benefits and Mounties who are medically released in the future....
The case is almost identical to one that a judge deemed harsh and unfair in a class-action lawsuit by military veterans.
About 8,000 wounded military veterans were awarded a $887.8-million settlement after former army sergeant Dennis Manuge launched a class-action suit against Ottawa in 2007.
But I guess the Harper Cons have been trying to save money so they can run some more of their damned Action Plan ads:
One popular reason to vote for the Liberals in 2016 will just be to STOP the ridiculous ads.
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Don't believe it
Once again, Peter MacKay is way, way ahead of the Harper Con cabinet -- Pot legislation 'under serious consideration,' Peter MacKay says:
Either the Harper Cons are desperately trying to subvert Trudeau's popular pot-legalization policy, or MacKay is so far off the Con reservation he cannot see the borders from here.
Or both, of course.
I wonder if this is the next ball cap we will see MacKay wearing?
Justice Minister Peter MacKay told reporters on Parliament Hill Wednesday morning he has tasked the justice department "with looking at and coming forward with what could be a draft legislation."Yeah, I'm sure he has. Somehow, I never thought Harper was sincere when he sang the "I get high with a little help from my friends" line.
"We have not arrived on the exact mechanism in which that could be done. The prime minister has signalled an openness to this," he said.
Either the Harper Cons are desperately trying to subvert Trudeau's popular pot-legalization policy, or MacKay is so far off the Con reservation he cannot see the borders from here.
Or both, of course.
I wonder if this is the next ball cap we will see MacKay wearing?
Monday, March 03, 2014
Dicking around with war
Once again, we're seeing terrifying world events reduced by the US media to a dick-swinging contest.
CNN and the New York Times seem to think the Russian invasion of the Crimea is just another dispute between Obama and Putin, and they want Obama to swagger around showing everyone how much tougher he is. NYT says
CNN and the New York Times seem to think the Russian invasion of the Crimea is just another dispute between Obama and Putin, and they want Obama to swagger around showing everyone how much tougher he is. NYT says
The Russian occupation of Crimea has challenged Mr. Obama as has no other international crisis, and at its heart, the advice seemed to pose the same question: Is Mr. Obama tough enough to take on the former K.G.B. colonel in the Kremlin?If you want actual news about what is going on, check the BBC
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