Saturday, July 09, 2005

Who does the Catholic Church think it is?

My Blahg gets it exactly right.
He is blogging about this disgusting story Catholic diocese punishes MP over gay rights.
Now, first of all, I am going to go on my own rant here -- just what does the Catholic Church think it is doing? How dare they refuse communion to NDP MPs who have voted for gay marriage, which was the policy of their party. Now certainly there is nothing wrong with Catholic bishops meeting with Jack Layton and other party leaders to express their opposition to the party policy, and to try to persuade the party to change that policy. But now the Catholic Church seems to think that Canada will let them get away with targetting individual Catholic MPs not being 'Catholic' enough, for voting in the way their party wanted them to vote.
Now, I would have thought that the Catholic Church would be upset if anyone started posting election signs saying "Don't vote for X. He's a Catholic". I would have thought the Catholic Church would be shocked if voters start acting like the Klu Klux Klan with their 'papist plot' hate speech.
But I guess not. I guess they want our political parties to start examining the religious affiliation of prospective candidates, refusing to nominate Catholics anymore because of the risk that they will follow a church agenda rather than their party's policy. I guess they want us voters to start making our voting decisions based on the religion of candidates, because when I support a candidate for a political office, I expect them to vote according to their party's policy, not according to their priest's prejudices.
That's just my opinion, I could be wrong
Anyway, back to what My Blahg said in The Vindictive Right. His rant deals with the corrupt and twisted moral swamp which those who support the Catholic Church's actions have now waded into -- the same moral swamp which anyone who tries to justify prejudice will also find themselves in:
The right is justifying these actions by saying that these people must be ready to face the consequences of their decisions. Excuse me? First of all, elected officials already do face the consequences of their decisions. It's called an election. If an elected official is making decisions the people are not comfortable with, then they will elect someone more to their liking. Any other form of consequences however, is completely unacceptable. Since when are there consequences attached to people for doing their job? Could you imagine what our society would be like if there were? Police would have to think twice about issuing speeding tickets for fear that they might be kicked out of their church or refused service in the businesses of their communities. Local bureaucrats would have to cave in to every demand of the people because to do otherwise would leave them open to retaliation in their personal lives. Our elected and appointed officials could no longer function without constantly looking over their shoulder to see who is out to exact revenge against them for doing so. Left unchecked, this sort of vindictive retribution would lead to the breakdown of free society as individuals and groups intimidated and terrorized anyone who did not tow the line.

Is this the kind of Canada that the Catholic Church wants? That's not my Canada.
UPDATE: And now they're turning into creationists too. Catholic biology teachers, beware.

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