Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Today's News: "Brace yourselves"

Americans are wondering how they will deal with a three-month presidential campaign -- of course, the rest of the world is saying "that long? Ours are just a few weeks!". 
Just this year, England and France have both campaigned and voted in the few months between the US primaries and Biden's withdrawal. 
But America is used to a more leisurely pace.
Here is Josh Marshall talking about the unprecedented dynamics of a 100-day US presdential campaign:
...something totally unheard of and unprecedented in modern American political history. American presidential campaigns last at least 18 months. In some ways they’re perpetual. But there’s nothing in recent American history to compare to what Kamala Harris is doing right now.
The Trump campaign is obviously furious about the switch. Vance called it a sucker punch. They essentially wasted their convention on the wrong candidate. You can understand why they’re mad.
But the key part that stands out to me is this: a huge amount of modern Republican campaigns are based on wearing down a Democratic politician over months and years in the right-wing echo chamber. We saw it with Clinton, Obama, Clinton, Biden, Kerry. It’s a well, well worn thing. But it takes time. There are seldom knock-out punches. It’s a slow osmotic process. And the critical part of it takes place at the nexus where what’s happening in the right wing echo chamber bleeds into and begins to shape mainstream media reporting.
Obviously we don’t know how this campaign is going to play out. Looks pretty good ten days in, but there’s ten times more days coming. But regardless of how it plays out, this blitz factor — something totally new and unexpected right as the true campaign starts — is clearly wreaking havoc not only with the Trump campaign but with the whole far-flung Republican political and media apparatus.
Obviously there was no planning any of this. It only becomes possible out of the ashes of an electoral disaster. But some portion of what we’re seeing now derives from the fact that this late switch simply breaks the structure of American presidential politics and has, at least for the moment, allowed Harris to begin the presidential sprint while her opponent’s campaign is still trying to make sense of what happened.
This seems prescient: Already, the Trump campaign and Republicans have finally figured out an attack like against Harris and the New York Times is dutifully concern-trolling as though it is actually a serious problem -- she's not "really Black". Trump went to a Black journalists association meeting today to try it out. But he just doesn't have the capacity to float trial balloons anymore: And on a lighter note:


Lorne said...

Excellent! I think all sane people are feeling a renewed optimism now that the winds of change are blowing,Cathie.

Cathie from Canada said...

Yes, Lorne, I think so too -- I can hardly believe how well Biden and Harris and the Democrats have handled this.