Sunday, August 04, 2024

Weekend funnies and animal crackers

Hope your mood is Quokka #7 at least.  And enjoy some of the other good stuff I have collected over the past few weeks.

First up, so to speak - the lighter side of the Olympics: And just by the way, Imane Khalif is a woman, not trans. 
And France should never have apologized for including trans-gender performers in the opening ceremony Last Supper parody, it just made the MAGA haters think they could boss everyone around. 

Moving on, it appears that Trump is still trying to figure out some way to avoid debating with Harris while somehow blaming her for it: Its becoming a meme too: Loved these: Here's an interesting view of Canada: Dogs, bruh: The "branch manager" meme: Dogs and cats, living together.... Moving on...


Cap said...

Imane Khalif is not a woman despite what his passport says. He's a man with a disorder of sexual differentiation (DSD). This is why the IBA's genetic testing in 2023 showed XY chromosomes. The IOC president inadvertently confirmed this by bungling his presser and issuing a correction. The Taiwanese boxer is in the same boat. Neither boxer challenged their IBA disqualification.

Babies born with a misshapen penis or without one are assigned female and raised as girls. At puberty, their testicles start producing male levels of testosterone, they don't develop female secondary sex characteristics, and everyone realizes there's been a mistake. Individuals and countries take advantage of these mistakes for athletic glory.

The IOC has a shameful history of including DSD males in the female category, Caster Semenya being the most famous one. In fact, until the 2000 Olympics, genetic testing (a cheek swab) was as routine as drug testing. But the IOC got rid of genetic testing, and in the 2018 Olympics all three medals in the women's 800m race went to men with DSDs.

Men winning women's races is at one level of unfairness; men punching women in the face is at quite another. But then, the IOC has always been known for its misogyny, and plenty of people are looking for an excuse to watch men punch out women.

Cap said...

Correction: That should be the Rio 2016 Olympics women's 800m race, not 2018.

In fact, a Canadian woman, Melissa Bishop, was denied the gold medal as a result, and the Canadian Olympic Committee threatened to sue her coach if he spoke up.

Cathie from Canada said...

Cap, I don't know about the 2016 races, but Khalif is not a man now, and she never was. In her athletic career, she has lost many boxing bouts, as well as winning many. Today's CBC story reports:
"Neither Khelif nor Lin identify as transgender or as having been born with a male body. According to a fact check from GLAAD, there is no indication Khelif has ever identified as transgender or as intersex.
"Nor is there any evidence to support the online speculation that Khelif has experienced differences in sex development (DSD), a group of rare conditions that can cause women to have XY chromosomes and blood testosterone levels in the male range."