Sunday, February 23, 2025

Weekend break: Funny stuff, some beautiful paintings, and of course, Animal Crackers

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Hooters is deflating:
Just some beauty to enjoy And -- animal crackers!
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Purple library guy said...

I'm glad there was a Turner in that list. Turner was an amazing artist who did a lot of things before the Impressionists made them mainstream. And his stuff was just really beautiful. But outside of England you don't see him talked about very much these days.

rumleyfips said...

Sunrise on the Sagenay is impressive concidering O'Brian had little contact with European impressionism.

Cathie from Canada said...

I don't know anything about art, so this post was fascinating to me too - amazing how artists can create such depth and beauty.

Cathie from Canada said...

And I looked up the O'Brien piece - beautiful!

rumleyfips said...

The Journal of Mary Obrien is an obscure but importany part o f womens , childrens and social history in Cabada. One of my favorite bits is where she says ' young Lucius id going to be anartist, all he wants to do is draw, draw draw ( he was 5 ? ). Mary had it together.