Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Today's News: Trump makes cowards of them all.

The more I see of the Congressional Republicans, the more they remind me of The Sopranos.
And anyone who doesn't fall into line gets sent to the Gulag.
The cowardice is appalling.
Why isn't all of America pointing and laughing at these guys? This is the guy they're supporting: And by the way, the New York Times also owes America an apology for acting as Trump's steno:

1 comment:

e.a.f. said...

George Carlin was always so funny and his lines were bang on. Do miss his comedy.

When the rioters started chanting, "hang Mike Pence", it was like something out of very bad movie. I don't like his politics. However, he was the Vice President of the U.S.A. and it wouldn't be a case of hanging Pence it would have been the hanging of the Vice President of the U.S.A. and that was something which was very, very scary. I'm sure if they had gotten their hands on Pelosi, it would not have turned out well.