Monday, October 28, 2024

Sask Party's Greatest Screw-Up Hits!

I just saw this amazing thread from Regina Poster Boy about the Sask Party's parade of screw-ups and I had to share it tonight -- our Saskatchewan election is Monday!  Its very long, but I'll break it on Monday night when I post another tweet. The latest polls show Carla Beck and the NDP maybe winning a majority of the Sask seats, and this can't come too soon for me!

RPBoo ๐Ÿ‘ป  Profile picture
13h  30 tweets  16 min read   Read on X
In the spirit of the election, and this spooky Halloween season, let’s take a look at a scary and extensive list of SKParty failures, lies, blunders, & scandals. ๐Ÿงต

1. SKParty MLA Gary Grewal collected $731K in taxpayer money for inflated room rates contracted by SKParty gov’t.Image
2. SKParty takes over Wascana Park Authority, gives sweetheart deal to major party donor. Brandt gets $1/yr 99yr lease on 2.5 acres of public land to build private 77K sq/ft commercial venture if CNIB gets small fraction of space to call home. CNIB exec is related to then-SP MLA.Image
3. Brandt continued…

Sweetheart deal is questioned by provincial auditor and it’s determined proper protocol wasn’t followed. Deal falls through. Brandt sues gov’t over failed deal, still manages to secure a sweetheart deal - $11.6M settlement, all at the taxpayers’ expense.Image
4. GTH.

‘nough said.Image
5. Speaking of the GTH…Image
6. Bill Boyd found in conflict of interest. Disgraced he resigns.Image
7. Jeremey Harrison fires a whistleblower that revealed conflicts of interest in Crown Corp Harrison is responsible for.Image
8. Jeremy Harrison brings gun to work, lies about it. Moe also lies about it.Image
9. Moe makes up a story about gunshots at a SKParty campaign office, sensationalizes the incident comparing it to the assassination attempts on Trump in US, then lies about police telling him it was a gunshot.

There were no gunshots.Image
10. Jeremy Cockrill under multiple conflict of interest investigations.Image
11. Donna Harpauer took an $8000 chartered flight on the taxpayer dime to have lunch in North Battleford. Said it was worth it, would totes do it again knowing how much it cost.Image
12. SKParty MLA seeking re-election uses racial slur referencing Black person.Image
13. SKParty MLA Greg Lawrence assaults, chokes wife.Image
14. SKParty MLA Nadine Wilson charged with assaulting 87 year old.Image
15. SKParty invites convicted wife killer still serving his life sentence to their tough on crime throne speech in the province with the highest rate of domestic violence in the country.Image
16. SKParty MLA Ryan Domotor charged with soliciting sexual services.Image
17. SKParty MLA Don McMorris, then-minister responsible for SGI and SK Liquor and Gaming, gets pulled over for speeding through a construction zone in a government vehicle and charged with DUI.

You can’t make this stuff up!Image
18. SKParty passed a law stripping workers of their rights. The law was struck down as unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.Image
19. SKParty closes public transit service to give a corporate SKParty donor a $60M contract.Image
20. SKParty gives $6M contract to party donor for which SKParty MLA and finance minister Kevin Doherty was a lobbyists.Image
21. Smart Meters.

Our old friend Bill Boyd, minister in charge of SaskPower at the time, announced a recall on smart meters contracted by a US company that no longer exists. At least 9 homes started on fire due to the meters.Image
22. Brad Wall and Co. bragged about boundary dam and touted it as the *real* solution to climate change. It’s been a $1.4B disaster. Gov’t also had to pay additional $20M+ in penalties for consistently missing committed targets. It’s never come close to performing to expectation.Image
23. LEAN

SKParty government pays US Lean consultant a highly criticized $40M over 4 years to find efficiencies in the healthcare system. It ended up costing the province $1,511 for every dollar saved.Image
24. Regina Bypass

Tied in with GTH land that ripped off nuns and was flipped to SKParty donors and then bought back by the province for millions more than its value. A project that started with a price tag of $400M ballooned to $1.9M. Construction proved poor planning.Image
25. SIS program

Failure from the start.Image

Health authority’s payroll system cost balloons from $86M to $127M to $144M to $157M and projections of up to $240M. It still doesn’t work. SKParty gov calls workers losing money “a success”.Image
28. Jeremy Cockrill’s response to girl being burned alive at school: “could have been worse”.Image
29. Education minister Jeremy Cockrill responds to criticism from a family that lost their child due to insufficient supports in an underfunded education system with “what do they want me me to do, give up my first born child?”Image
30. Apparently there’s a housing crisis?Image

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