No children’s Tylenol, no children’s amoxicillin, urgent care waits 8+ hours, walk-in waits 4+ hours, no pediatric hospital beds available whatsoever, family doctor is booking appointments a month out, worst “tridemic” RSV/flu/COVID wave in years… Canada is not okay right now 🫠
— Emily (@Youlookpretty) December 6, 2022
Today, Alberta shut down its children’s respite/palliative care center, sending the sickest and dying children and their families home to fend in their own
— Nael (@GreenSnail_) December 4, 2022
This is so the staff can be redeployed to overflowing children’s hospitals
It’s not just medically assisted suicide
Santa weeps.
— Stephen Tustin (@stustin) December 6, 2022
But we KNOW what to do to help people avoid getting sick - we just have to DO IT!Vaccines alone are not enough to stop this Tridemic from killing children.
— Kimiko Shibata 🇨🇦 🦄 (@ESL_fairy) December 6, 2022
Even if every single eligible Ontario resident were to get a COVID and flu shot today, it would not relieve the pressure on children’s hospitals.
It’s time to #BringBackMasks.
The enduring tragedy of 2020-21 was the deaths of millions of old people due to Covid in Long Term Care facilities across Canada and throughout the world."We have all the tools to change the trajectory of this horrible situation. The only missing ingredient is courage from our leaders to be transparent about the current situation and mandate the changes that are necessary to prevent more illness and death." @SKGandhiMD #bcpoli 6/6
— Sonia Furstenau (@SoniaFurstenau) December 5, 2022
Did you read that? Terrified. You could not send him & it’s a heart attack and that kills him. You could send him & it not a heart attack but he brings Covid/RSV/flu back with him and it kills him and may be starts a out break at a nursing home that will cost more lives 2/
— Jon O (@Jon4u16) December 5, 2022