Saturday, September 13, 2008

Dion charismatic

Woman at Mile 0 reports on Dion’s Victoria Townhall:
It was amazing to see his entire speech in person and listen to the important questions and responses from the crowd. He was charismatic, quick on his feet and totally at ease even during the open Q & A period. I just can’t believe how much his speaking has improved since the last time I saw him address a large crowd.
This is great to hear about.
The Times-Colonist story about this event was pretty good, too. Here's their photo of Dion with local candidates Briony Penn and Keith Martin:


Hey, this is great -- a handy reference guide to Conservative screw-ups.

Pit bull debate

My sister and I have argued about the pit bull ban for years. She says its unfair to target a particular breed of dog when it is irresponsible, immature, or macho owners who are to blame. I say that's true, but governments have to do something to protect people, and banning the dogs also, in effect, bans this type of owner. I'm still not sure which of us is right on this one.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Who is this "Obama"? Anybody?

You know, when I check out the progressive blogs to find out what's going on, I can read all about what awful thing McCain did today, and I read all about some stupid thing Palin said today.
I am sick to death of reading about those two.
What I want to find out about is what Obama did today. And these posts are around but they're very hard to find.
Lambert has noticed this too.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Flailing around

For someone trying to present a blue-sweater image of calm and confident leadership, Stephen Harper is swinging a little wild.
He announces, out of the blue, that Canada is leaving Afghanistan -- a reversal of eight years of knee-jerk support which will be seen by the military and by the Conservative base as a betrayal. (Not surprisingly, the Conservatives look like they are now trying to withdraw the withdrawal.)
Then he flips out over the screw-up of one of his most loyal staffers (remember this? And this? And this?) And I ask again, how many incompetents have the Conservatives hired this time?
Well, obviously there are a few others, because somebody advised him to hide behind Jack Layton on the Elizabeth May issue, apparently not anticipating how frail a reed that would turn out to be.
Then he tries to float the argument that the Green Shift will provoke Quebec separatism.
Then he thinks he's going to stimulate the economy by cutting diesel taxes, even though this won't actually make much difference. Oh, and WWII veterans benefits are going to be reinstated. Big wow -- I guess that wraps up the 90-year-old vote.
And its only been six days since the election was called. Is there any kind of a plan here?
As some conservative blogger apparently said: "Dear Tory war room: you guys still want Harper to win, right?"

911 stories

At Firedoglake, Julia asks Where were you?
I went to the Citicorp Center, where there's a blood bank, and stood on line for seven hours waiting to give blood. There were hundreds of us. . . . After a while we started telling each other dumb jokes, mostly about tourists. A reporter from a major metropolitan newspaper chided us for not taking it Seriously enough. When the wind was right, all you could smell was burnt rubber. I was actually pretty grateful for that.
There was a lot of smoke.

I was jogging south on the East River path, about 62nd Street when the first plane hit. I saw an enormous plume of brown smoke blowing across the river farther south. Then scores of screaing sirens, all headed south.

The Chicago Tribune put out a special run for everybody in the neighborhoods we delivered too, I think even noncustomers got one. None of the drivers had got any sleep the donnut shop made money that night on coffee, and then we delivered the regular paper and the special one.

several of my co-workers were in NYC on 911 for the kick off of a new project…… they were trapped in the city for days…… they pooled their money, bought a used car and drove out……

I was acquainted via internet group with a woman who worked on the 97th floor, and she was still on the bus from NJ when it happened. She IM’d someone in the group that she was fine . . . My friend had moved to Alexandria, VA. Her grown children were on a plane and she was at Dulles to pick them up, when she got word that WTC and the Pentagon had been hit. Her kids landed minutes later. A doc/officer from our town was in the Pentagon but he went to the gift shop first so he was spared. He started the triage.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Great line of the day

From August J. Pollak
...the Republican platform for 2008 has essentially devolved into "let's be assholes."

Promises, promises

So Harper has announced a fixed date for leaving Afghanistan.
Hmm. A fixed date -- now what does that remind me of...?

What would Hillary do?

I think the Obama campaign should adopt as their guideline
What would Hillary do?
I think it is quite likely, in response to something as stupid as the lipstick flap, that Hillary would have said something like this:
Pig in lipstick. I meant it any way they want to take it.
. . . McCain and Palin, their policies and their demeaning campaign are A PIG IN LIPSTICK.
They are a threat to our future. Because they are the past, masquerading as the future.
You want to go backward -- vote for them

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

I Joined Liblogs

So Jason Cherniak emailed me to ask why I joined Liblogs and this is what I replied:
Oh, I've been a liberal for a long time, and finally realized I should join Liblogs to make sure I can keep up with what the other liberal bloggers are saying.
I do believe this is a very important election -- for one thing, it is crucial that Harper not get a majority, plus I would love to see what Dion could achieve as Prime Minister.
I supported him in the leadership race, but since then I have been disappointed that his instincts just don't seem to be sufficiently political. And he should have given top priority to improving his English, particularly to developing (or having somebody write for him) vivid and assertive "soundbites" which he could be using to explain his policies and priorities .
But I have great hope, now that the campaign is finally here, that he will bear down and start being a politician. Signs are good so far, I think -- his speeches have been good, and the townhall the other day in Edmonton apparently went over very well. So I thought maybe if I can follow the campaign more closely through the Liberal bloggers, I can light my own little candle for him and for the Liberals.
See the Liblogs listing on my blogroll -- there are more of us every day.
And I think Dion is already hitting them out of the infield. Here's the latest example, which made Jane Taber describe Stephane Dion as Hot:
[Dion] finally found a way to explain his so-called green shift plan.
At a rally in Napanee, Ont., Mr. Dion said that some people have called the plan complicated. “It's very simple. I will give you the Liberal plan in six words, you will see: Cut income taxes, shift to pollution.”
He then challenged Conservative leader Stephen Harper to explain his environmental plan in six words. “Okay, okay 10 words. Thirty words? No, no I will help him. In two words: No plan.”
See how great this is? This is exactly what I was talking about. Harper must be feeling sort of gobsmacked right about now.

Dumb staff

So Puffin-gate was all the fault of another Conservative staffer. My question is, how many dumb staffers have the Conservatives hired this time?
By the way, Scott Tribe has been on fire lately in covering all the breaking election stories -- great stuff!

Hurricane America

From James Howard Kunstler:
McCain-Palin have nowhere to go now but down, and I will tell you exactly how this will happen. They can run away from President Bush, but they can't run away from the Republican Party. The Republicans will be regarded from now on as 'the party that wrecked America.' Over the weeks ahead, as carnage in the economy and the financial markets ramps up, it will become increasingly clear.
And James Carville actually said something sensible along the same lines -- "It's the economy, stupid" rises again.
I wonder if Harper can run fast enough in this election campaign to escape blame for the damage from Hurricane America, which apparently is going to drown the US economy. Canada would get soaked as well, perhaps also swamping any chance to implement Dion's Green Shift. Interestingly, this was described by Ottawa Citizen columnist Susan Riley as a brave, far-sighted idea:
...if [Dion] goes down, he will take his much-ridiculed and only partly understood Green Shift with him. That will be a catastrophic missed opportunity.
For all its intricacies, the Green Shift amounts to a straight-forward revolution in the way we are taxed; in what we, as a country, reward and what we discourage. It may be the boldest, most transformative policy advanced by a major Canadian party since free trade.
If Harper gets reelected, however, we'll be swirling down the US drain.

Sunday, September 07, 2008


So Harper thinks this election is going to be nasty because those other guys are all going to be very, very mean to our Stevie.
As Dunkler said:
Are. You. Kidding. Me?
This from the guy who's been running personal attack adds against the opposition leader since day 1? This from the guy who last year said that the Opposition party and it's leader cared more about the Taliban than Canadian soldiers.
Are those the kind of personal attacks you're referring to, Prime Minister Harper?
Following the Karl Rove principle, we can anticipate that Harper will immediately launch a series of vicious smear attacks against Dion, Layton, Dion, Duceppe, Dion, and May.

Great line of the day

TBogg :
History repeats itself in a distaff way.
Dan Quayle was an empty suit.
Sarah Palin is a stuffed bra.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Great line of the day

From Sam Harris' article in the LA Times, Palin: average isn't good enough:
McCain has so little respect for the presidency of the United States that he is willing to put the girl next door (soon, too, to be a grandma) into office beside him. He has so little respect for the average American voter that he thinks this reckless and cynical ploy will work.
And it might.