Monday, June 06, 2005

Well, when you live by the sword . . .

. . . you die by the sword.
Sidelining the CIA "After nearly 60 years at the pinnacle of American intelligence- and at the elbow of Presidents - the CIA director is no longer automatically welcome at the President's National Security Council meetings. John Negroponte, the new director of National Intelligence, has taken his chair."
Well, I think this is sort of funny -- after spending last fall toeing the party line by firing a bunch of CIA leaders for their 'disloyalty' to the Bush administration, the man who had said at one time that he wasn't qualified to be a CIA agent is now being taken at this word. Here is what Goss is doing these days: ". . . he is spending more time focusing on needed reforms at the agency, visiting far-flung CIA spooks in the field and looking for ways to fill in gaps in the CIA's human intelligence and analysis." In orher words, he's a personnel manager -- and I'll bet those spooks in the field don't want to blow their cover by going anywhere near him.
Thanks to Buzzflash for the link.

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