Monday, September 18, 2006


Hey, Tuesday is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Here are the only three pirate jokes you will ever need, according to the Official Web Site :
Thar be only three pirate jokes in the world.
The biggest one is the one that ends with someone usin' 'Arrr' in the punchline. Oh, sure, thar be plenty o' these, but they're all the same damn joke.
What's the pirate movie rated? - Arrr!
What kind o' socks does a pirate wear? - Arrrrgyle!
What's the problem with the way a pirate speaks? - Arrrrticulation!
...and so forth.
The second joke is the one wear the pirate walks into the bar with a ships wheel attached to the front o' his trousers. The bartender asks, 'What the hell is that ships wheel for?' The pirate says, 'I don't know, but it's drivin' me nuts!'
And finally. A little boy is trick or treatin' on Halloween by himself. He is dressed as a pirate. At one house, a friendly man asks him, 'Where are your buccaneers?' The little boy responds, 'On either side o' me 'buccan' head!'
And there ye have it. A symposium on pirate humor that'll last ye a lifetime - so long as life is violent and short.
Ye all be havin' a jolly day, me hearties!
(h/t to The Sideshow for the link)

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