Sunday, February 20, 2022

Today's News: Ending with a whimper

The least surprising news of the day: Just as Jan 6 was a Come-To-Jesus moment for some of the American media, so the Ottawa Occupation may become that for the Canadian media. The "both sides" stance is breaking down - a little bit, anyway. CBC's Chris Walker got hammered for this one: This Ivison clanger landed with a thump heard across twitter: And Brian Lilley is, of course, blaming the Liberal government - but also, the insurrectionists! So ... And no wonder, because here's a sensible discussion about those "divisive" accusations against Trudeau from the CPC that too many people in the media keep parroting: The thousands of Canadians who took part in this insurrection, and who are still cheering and honking and trying to blockade borders for no reason I can fathom, are going to have a rude awakening: And isn't this the truth: Funny of the day: I thought this was priceless:

1 comment:

lungta said...

They promised they would die in droves
they promised to stand their ground.
Martyrs to the end
I envisioned burning monks
I got deflated bouncy castles instead