Monday, February 28, 2022

Today's News: Ukraine Strong

For Ukraine coverage, here's some great resources: 
Josh Marshall's twitter list 2022 Ukraine Crisis 
Canadian reporter Justin Ling's twitter 
Balloon Juice's War In Ukraine page
New York Times Russia-Ukraine War page 
Washington Post War in Ukraine page 
Globe and Mail Ukraine page
For the first time, the entire European Union is ready for a fight: As I write this, it is Monday morning in Russia -- the ruble is crashing and the Russian stock market opening has been postponed again: The nations of the Europe and North America are speaking with one voice: Thanks to Biden: And to Canada: It was a little bit terrifying to hear that Putin had put Russia on nuclear alert. But the world didn't seem to panic over this: And the world's admiration for Ukraine just keeps growing: Trump's Putin-worship is looking increasingly pathetic and treasonous: Not to mention, really really stupid: Canada has a message for Trump and all the MAGAs who follow him:


Anonymous said...

They didn't quite get that Effin' Birds one right. It should read "Take off, eh, Fuckface"


Cathie from Canada said...

Good one, Cap!