Saturday, February 12, 2022

Today's news: I AM CANADIAN

I AM CANADIAN is trending because thousands of Canadians want to stand up to be counted against the FluTruxKlan. 
The main news today was that Ford came out of hiding to tell the truckers to go the fuck home. 
And Trudeau gave the same message in his press conference. repeatedly telling them their message has been heard and they don't need to be in Ottawa or at the border anymore. 
Not unexpectedly, the FluTruxKlan is refusing to listen.
About the only pleasure I can take in what is happening is that the Conservatives will be going down with the FluTruxKlan:


Simon said...

Hi Cathie….Great post, even if it is depressing. How did these trucker terrorists manage to capture so much of our Canada ? The Cons can never be forgive for what they have done. But I still remain confident that this nightmare will pass, and that we will win in the end. And of course I look forward to taking on the Cons, telling them get lost losers, I AM CANADIAN…

Cathie from Canada said...

Thanks Simon. I am really enjoying all your posts, too -- maybe not "enjoying" as such, but I appreciate them!