Woman finds her cat amid the charred ruins of the Maui fires in Lahaina. Photo: Moses Slovatizki/Getty. pic.twitter.com/EI3D6sSjNZ
— Lorenzo The Cat (@LorenzoTheCat) August 13, 2023
Yes, he's fine.
— Lorenzo The Cat (@LorenzoTheCat) August 14, 2023
“I’m thankful for the people who made it out alive,” said Ms. Wong, who is also the chef and owner of the Koko Head Cafe in Honolulu, “but an entire town has burned down.”The Pioneer Inn was known for a parrot, Alex, who regaled guests. He made it out alive, Ms. Wong said, “but again, there are thousands of pets who didn’t.”Ms. Wong is now working out of the University of Hawaii’s Maui campus with World Central Kitchen, the global nonprofit organization founded by the chef José Andrés, as well as local business owners to prepare meals for evacuees.
🎥 The WCK convoy earlier today heading to western Maui with thousands of meals for first responders & families impacted by the fires. Communities in this area are the hardest-hit on the island, so we’ll continue supporting the best way we know how. #ChefsForHawaii pic.twitter.com/patyPLsHYi
— World Central Kitchen (@WCKitchen) August 13, 2023
The Maui Bird Conservation Center, a sanctuary for endangered bird spieces, was defended by a staffer and a neighbour until firefighters could get there.Mahalo to everyone -- human and canine -- helping us with our recovery. #MauiFires #MauiStrong https://t.co/cSDz5qMYTn
— HawaiiDelilah™ 🟦 #MauiStrong (@HawaiiDelilah) August 13, 2023