A town in New Mexico has been buried in tumbleweeds, to the extent that
some people can't even get out of their houses.
It had never occurred to me before that snow has one advantage -- snow will eventually melt.
Tumbleweeds, not so much.
"Do not go gentle into that good night. Blog, blog against the dying of the light"
..the Liberal leader had simply refused to acknowledge one important element of the Canada Job Grant: the basic notion’s ability to cheer people up.As Dave writes:
“Mr. Speaker, I noted that the Canada Job Grant was in fact very well received by those in the marketplace,” Mr. Harper enthused, “by people who want to upgrade their skills, want to receive more training, want to gain jobs and, by pluralism, want to create jobs.” . . . a bit like the film industry deciding to promote movies that have not yet been financed or cast.
Well, that just makes you all squishy thinking about all those happy people dreaming about the imaginary jobs they're going to get when the Harper government finally gets off their collective asses and actually negotiates a deal with the people who will be providing the access to training. Someday. Maybe. Would you like a sparkle pony with that elephant turd pie?And Montreal Simon continues
Canadians were GRATEFUL to pay millions of their hard earned tax dollars to make it look like he was creating jobs when he wasn't?No, actually, I think he's just listening a little too much to the Beatles lately. He and the rest of the Harper Cons make about this much sense...
... OMG. Has the mad emperor no trappings of decency?
Or has our mad Moses lost his marbles?
Words are flowing out like
endless rain into a paper cup
They slither while they pass
They slip away across the universe
Thoughts meander like a
restless wind inside a letter box
They tumble blindly as
they make their way across the universe
... the government representatives were pre-occupied by another strategy,” Justice Griffin wrote. “Their strategy was to put such pressure on the union that it would provoke a strike by the union. The government representative thought this would give government the opportunity to gain political support for imposing legislation on the union.”Yes, exactly!
...The government’s team, led by former president and CEO of the Public Sector Employers’ Council Paul Straszak ...thought all that was needed to make the legislation constitutional was consultation – a conclusion condemned by Justice Griffin as incorrect.
“A party cannot say it is consulting if it starts from the position that its mind is made up no matter what the other side presents by way of evidence or concerns,” she said.
created the racist hashtag #IndianIgnorant for Neil Young. Then they deleted it when they realized their own racism. This is what we're up against.At The Albatross, Ishmael Daro asks
Is #IndianIgnorant supposed to be a comment about Neil Young being ignorant about issues facing First Nations in Canada, as a charitable reading might suggest? Or were they calling aboriginal opponents of the oilsands “ignorant Indians”?Supposedly the former, I guess, according to the group. But actually, its like Dawg says:
Vile racist hashtag of the year: #IndianIgnorant, from your friends at Ethical Oil. I see the oil, but where are those ethics? #cdnpoli
— Dr.Dawg (@DrDawg) January 24, 2014
the pack of wise-asses in Ottawa who dreamed up the idea have the attention span of a two year-old and the research acumen of a kindergarten class.
...So, as the 700 mHz spectrum is put up for bids today the Harper government will allow the same old companies to swallow up your property and charge it back to you for the same old rates with the same level of gouging.
Former Ontario solicitor general Bob Runciman is questioning why two activists who got to within an arm's-length of the prime minister this week were allowed to "walk away scot-free and smiling" — and he says he'll use his Senate seat to bring in new laws to deter similar future protests.Piffle.
"People who sneak into these kinds of events, using phony ID, impersonate others, or conspire with others to do the same, should face indictable offences with serious fines and/or imprisonment," said Senator Runciman in a written statement sent to the parliamentary press gallery.