Thursday, September 05, 2024

Ain't we havin' some fun now? Crazy stories today about Singh in Canada, and the Russians in the US


First in today's news, of course, was Jasmeet Singh's announcement that he is "ripping up" the Supply and Confidence agreement with the Liberals - whatever that means: The pundits seem to agree that it is unlikely the end of the agreement will result in an election this fall, but of course we never know whether Singh's tender fee-fees will be hurt by something Trudeau says in passing... The CBC At Issue panel discussed the issues: Though the panel seemed to think Singh's move was triggered by the way the Liberal government ended the rail strike last week, the Canadian Labour Congress statement wasn't happy with Singh's move:
“This agreement was a success. Workers are seeing real, meaningful improvements in their lives because the NDP and the Liberals found common ground in this minority parliament.
I want to thank Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh for their efforts. Their willingness to work across the aisle has led to landmark gains for Canadian workers on dental care, pharmacare, anti-scab legislation, and sustainable jobs.
The end of the Confidence and Supply Agreement does not trigger an election – nor should it.
We need all political leaders to get down to work and prioritize the needs of Canadians over politics. The call for an early election by some politicians, including Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, is driven more by political strategy than by a genuine commitment to addressing the pressing issues that Canadians face today....
That the move came so soon after Poilievre called Singh "Sellout-Singh" was noticed: Because there was lots of good news today, too -- for which the Liberals will take full credit:

And in other news, an absolute bombshell -- Washington Post gift link Justice Dept. charges two Russian media operatives in alleged scheme:
The Justice Department on Wednesday charged two Russian media executives in an alleged scheme that authorities say illegally funneled millions of dollars to a Tennessee-based company to create and publish propaganda videos that racked up millions of views on U.S. social media....
Following this story today has been like watching a dam break -- first a trickle, then the crumbling, then a flood: 
I don't think the Trump campaign is going to recover from this. People have been talking about Russian interference in US politics since 2016. But the American political media just thought it was Democratic sour grapes and wouldn't believe it. 
Until now: Everybody was wondering why Trump wasn't doing any rallies this weekend when Harris and Waltz were all over the news. Now we know why. And this: And this:

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