Monday, September 02, 2024

Today's News: International Overdose Awareness Day 2024

Saturday, Aug 31 was International Overdose Awareness Day and in Saskatoon it was marked at Prairie Harm Reduction through memorial and remembrance. 

The photos show artist Kamisha Alexson placing a star on the star blanket. Photos and story by Star Phoenix reporter Julia Peterson:
A bright red rose. A feather. A child’s hand outlined in blue. Dozens of names — full names, first names, nicknames, initials. Messages written on paper diamonds in careful script; in crayon scribbles:
“Forever in our hearts.” “#1 Dad.” “Brother.” “Love and miss you forever.”
Birthdays. Death days.
Laid out on purple canvas in front of Prairie Harm Reduction in Saskatoon, the community memorial star blanket filled up quickly, each diamond in the pattern paying tribute to a loved one who died from overdose.
When the International Overdose Awareness Day gathering began on Saturday morning, the plan had been to fill the canvas with 72 diamonds. Less than two hours in, organizers were quickly cutting their remaining blank tiles into quarters, so the memorial wouldn’t run out of space.
“It’s hard, as someone who has had some family history with addiction, to see so many names in such a short amount of time,” said lead artist Kamisha Alexson. “It’s eye-opening.
“But it’s empowering, too, to see how people honour those who have passed on: There’s no shame, no guilt, no anger or resentment. Just something beautiful.”...
In Canada, many of our Supervised Consumption Sites and Overdose Prevention Sites are now under attack by Conservative governments, in spite of the lives they save. 
Pierre Poilievre thinks he can make political hay out of denigrating Harm Reduction 
Public Health doctor Ben Thompson posted this thread on X and also linked to this Pivot Legal Society interactive map of the SCS and OPS sites in Canada.
By the way, if you think you don't understand the concept of Harm Reduction, here's some information you will find useful:



Cap said...

According to the G&M, ol' Dougie used to deal out of the trunk of his car back in the day, so let's assume some expertise in private sector drug supply. Why would he want the public sector horning into the business with a safe supply?! When Doug Ford does something, you can bet it's on behalf of his rich buddies.

Cathie from Canada said...

Here and in Alberta, they seem to be focusing on funding private "rehab treatment" clinics which charge mucho $$$ for treatments.