Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Today's News: Getting through the next eight weeks

Just eight more interminable weeks until the American election  
I don't know how I will get through it. 
The Harris-Trump debate is tomorrow night, and I suspect its the only one America will get.

I do still get a charge out of seeing the pundits solemnly declare that Harris must describe her policies. As if anyone really cares about policies. The only "policy" that would actually create some excitement would be a surprise declaration that she wants to legalize marijuana nationwide. Otherwise, meh 

David Rothkopf writes Trump is a Terrorist Calling Himself a Freedom Fighter Don't Fall for the Lie That Trump Has "Policies"--He Just Has Crimes He Has Yet to Commit
Every single time you engage in the delusion that Trump has a "policy position" on traditional issues you normalize him. Trump has no beliefs, no traditional policy views. For him, policies are like his blue suit & dumb long red ties, a costume he wears to hide who he really is.
Trump is a terrorist calling himself a freedom fighter.
... And let’s be clear, in addition to his lack of knowledge, principles, ideas, commitment to public service or competence, Trump has no beliefs. That’s right the leader of the ideologues is ideology-less. Right now, all he cares about is staying out of jail. ...
As Vice President Harris has said, Trump is not a serious man. He is a grave threat. But the only policies he has ever had in his life were probably fire insurance policies on properties that were not performing that well if you get my drift.
...The only way a rapist, racist, misogynist, criminal, traitor failed-president like Trump could have any support in an election contest is if rather than revealing the truth about him, reporters and commentators painted a mask on him and dressed him in the costume of a leader. In other words, he is so obviously not fit to be president that you have to question the motives or judgment of those who would present him as otherwise. And…as I noted at the outset…suggesting he is a regular candidate doing regular candidate things is aiding and abetting the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on American voters....
 But in the meantime, things are getting stupider and stupider. The Republican attack lines are crazy -- the latest is some sort of bizarre story about Hatian immigrants eating people's pets in Ohio, if you can believe it. They're also trying to gin up something about the Afghanistan withdrawal. And apparently Trump is sending his flying monkeys to harass a business that sold some spices to Harris -- reminds me of the way Canadian businesses have been treated every time Trudeau sets up a visit.

trump is straightforwardly running on ethnic cleansing!

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— jamelle (@jamellebouie.net) Sep 8, 2024 at 10:59 AM

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