Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Remembering Ebony, our brown-eyed girl

Just six weeks ago, we lost our Molly, and today we lost our Ebony too. 
We got Ebony as a rescue when she was three or four, and we had shared our lives with her for almost 14 years. 
She was a Labrador, a little on the small side but such a happy warrior -- I picked this photo for this post because it shows her protecting her chewstick, with her tail blurred because it was wagging -- it so often was! 
Ebony has been gradually declining for a couple of years - deaf, mostly blind, her joints getting worse with arthritis. The only good thing about it was that, because of the deafness, she was no longer terrified of thunder and fireworks!  But going up and down the stairs, and going outside, was harder and harder, and she kept falling more often, and painkilling drugs weren't enough anymore. 
Finally, today, she just couldn't walk at all, and we realized we had to let her go.
She was our brown-eyed girl - it was the song I used to sing to her

...Standing in the sunlight laughing 
Hiding 'hind a rainbow's wall 
Slipping and sliding 
All along the waterfall with you 
My brown-eyed girl 
You, my brown-eyed girl 

Do you remember when we used to sing?


Anonymous said...

I am so sorry cathy. So tough to lose one. Can't imagine losing both almost at once

Cathie from Canada said...

Thanks so much - yes, its difficult to realize that at the beginning of this summer we had two great dogs and now we have none. We miss them both so much.