Sunday, September 08, 2024

Today's News: They're trying to "Sane-wash" Trump

Aaron Rupar has popularized a new term for how the American media is reporting on Trump -- "Sane-washing" 
Trump's speeches are gibberish -- stream-of-consciousness rambling whines about the 2020 election, interspersed with tariffs, 'Sir' stories, tax cuts, shark stories, 'black' jobs, Hannibal Lecter, post-birth 'abortion', describing concentration camps as a 'housing' policy, saying schools are making children 'trans' and going on and on. 
But this gibberish is being smoothed over and plumped up like a morning pillow by American media. They are constructing news stories that make it seem like Trump is offering the nation a set of normal, reasonable, rational conservative policies. 
It is really just bizarre:
American media have a lot to answer for: Both the crazy speeches and the sane-washing normalization are getting noticed: I did a search for the term "sane-washing", and it was actually used as early as 2020, but at that time it described moderate progressive politicians defending themselves from media attacks by trying to nomalize slogans like 'defund the police', which were considered 'crazy' at the time. 
Now, sane-washing is being done by the media itself to normalize a crazy presidential candidate.

1 comment:

Trailblazer said...

With Ai floating around in the clouds and the MSM reluctant to call issues as they are for fear of alienating advertisers your news comes s no surprise.