Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Today's News: Hooray for Harris!

A triumph! At last! 
The Harris message of a positive, forward-looking, united America really resonated at tonight's debate. 
And Trump just looked like the tired, befuddled old man he really is. 
Here are some zingers about the debate:
Post by @briantylercohen
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I really thought this would be the line of the night: “Donald Trump was fired by 81 million people, and he’s clearly having a hard time processing that.” Eclipsed by "concept of a plan."

— Steve Saideman ( September 10, 2024 at 9:41 PM
In the post-debate coverage, the universal opinion was that Harris "won" while Trump "lost". But just as the talking heads might have swung into their ritual "but on the other hand" trashing some of Harris' answers, the Taylor Swift endorsement dropped - another win for Harris - and all the media butterflies went flying off to that bright shiny. 
So it was a win all around!
Post by @renee.diresta
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And by the way, if you want to understand what tarrifs are and why Trump does NOT understand what he is talking about, read this thread about how tarrifs presently affect the price of a men's suit:

Some misinformation in today's US presidential debate about who bears the cost of tariffs. So let's talk about how tariffs affect what you pay for a suit. ๐Ÿงต (1/20)

[image or embed]

— derek guy ( September 10, 2024 at 11:23 PM


Trailblazer said...

At the end of the day when all the votes are counted the USA will have the best government money can buy!
Sadly they are not alone in accepting well funded candidates from ,often, taxation dodging beneficiaries for their success.
Yet!!! fools that we are we dwell upon personality , one liners and sound bites for our decisions and willingly ignore the real issues
that effect both our lives and the planet..
You cannot fix stupid.
Stupid is allowing a brain dead politically naive voter whose prime motive to vote is the tax on beer or his/her dissatisfaction with persons who are not white!

Cathie from Canada said...

Yes, Trailblazer, but Kamala Harris is outstandingly better than Trump in every way - she will be the best US president since Clinton.